Chapter 45 - Captured

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A/N: Alright guys, I'm busier than anyone person should be right now, but is that going to stop me from updating?! NO! I may not be able to promise when updates will happen, but I will promise to update on a weekly basis! Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

***May's p.o.v***

My entire body ached. My eyes refused to open, and my limbs felt heavy. I could feel my muscles twitching, the beating they took taking its toll. The darkness that seemed to surround me seemed to be slowly fading away as I slowly gained control of my limbs. When I had finally started moving, I noticed that I didn't seem to feel the ground, it felt like I was flying. But I couldn't be flying, right?

I finally got the strength to lift up my arms, but I didn't get very far as I felt some resistance against my wrists. Moving my legs, I felt the same resistance there too, as I finally heard a rattling sound. Chains.

I forced my eyes open to be met with more darkness. I groaned and forced my eyes to adjust as I turned my head. A tiny fraction of the light seeped down from above making it easier for me to see.

I was suspended in midair to a weird looking machine, my wrist and ankles chained to it.

Looking around, I noticed I couldn't find Wendy anywhere either. I tried to activate my magic only for nothing to happen as I breathed heavily.

'They must be magic canceling cuffs,' I thought.

The lights suddenly flickered on, and I immediately shut my eyes, not used to the light.

"So, you're finally awake."

I opened my eyes to see the self-proclaimed Ice King staring back up at me.

"You!" I growled glaring down at him.

"Welcome to the new base of Winter Eclipse," the Ice King smirked. "You're our first guest, you should be honored."

"What did you do to Wendy!?" I yelled at him.

He smirked wickedly, "There's no need to worry, we didn't take her with us. We left her to rot on the streets."

"You jerk," I growled.

"You should be thankful. We had no use for her, hopefully your guild will have found her before it was too late," he waved off.

"You don't sound too concerned," I glared, narrowing my eyes at the fiend.

"Of course not, it will all be in vain anyway," the Ice King smirked evilly.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"I'm surprise you don't know, Ice Iris," he smiled.

"Ice Iris?" I questioned.

"Ice Iris, Ice Empress, or Maylene, which ever you prefer. I'm sure you've heard of the story called Ice Iris?"

I nodded.

"A curious tale, disguised as a children's storybook to stray those with evil intentions off its path, but I'm one of the few who figured it out," he smirked before he started pacing in front of me.

"Within the story of the Ice Iris, a dragon faced what they called fearsome beasts. Those were dragons. Specifically, ice dragons," he smirked.

"The story says the land was constantly plagued with fear and uncertainty as it constantly fell victim to these beasts. Now, in our time period many things in history could be classified under something so vague, like the dragon king festival for example, but something in the story caught my eye. It made me look deeper into one part of our world's history. At the end of the story, the dragon gives the human one specific thing, an Ice Iris. The dragon gave a human something encased in ice, but who encase the flower in ice in the first place? Easy. The dragon did because it was an ice dragon. So, looking into our history about ice dragons, I came across nothing, but they're supposed extinction. But, looking into our history with ice, I found one important event. The Ice Age. The point in our history where the world was encased in ice for a time. A beautiful time were normal people struggled and many didn't survive, where only the strongest survived. A point in time where no one knew its cause," he smirked.

"Wait, what are you getting at?" I yelled at him confused as to where he was going with this.

He smirked, "Where do you think the first Ice Age came from?"


"The first Ice Age came from the power of the ice dragons."

I gasped.

He smiled, "But as a story goes, the one ice dragon defeated the other ice dragons, which in turn caused the end of the Ice Age and the extinction of all the ice dragons. Still, there was hope. The last ice dragon parted ways with her friend, by giving her an Ice Iris, or should I say, an ice dragon lacrima."

"What?!" I gasped.

"Yes, there are many records of dragon slayer lacrima's, but none of an ice dragons. Do you know why?"

I stayed silent.

"Because the lacrima wasn't shaped like a normal lacrima, it was shaped like an Iris," the Ice King explained.

I widened my eyes.

"But alas, the special lacrima doesn't just except anyone for its power. Many have tried, failed, and died to achieve the ice dragons lost power. Even I haven't dared to try it, deciding to rather wait for the chosen one myself. The one the dragon will choose to wield its power. The one to wield the power of eternal ice! The one to rule over the icy world, the Ice Empress! Your father, took that chance, and the ice dragon chose you, young Maylene," he smirked at me as he stopped.

Holding his hands out, he bellowed, "I will use your power of eternal ice to freeze the world over into a new ice age! A world only run by ice mages! Where I, the Ice King, the Winter General of Winter Eclipse, Kristoff Whittaker shall rule!" Kristof laughed evilly.

"I won't let that happen!" I shouted back.

Kristoff chuckled, "Little Empress, you have no choice. You are locked into this machine with no way out and when it activates it will suck your magic dry as it freezes over the entire world. You should be honored; your death will mark a new era for our world."

I grinded my teeth. "My brother and the guild will stop you!" I shouted at him.

He sent me a sinister smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

"What brother? You don't have one," he spoke coldly.

"Laxus Dreyar that's who!" I yelled back, unsure at what he was getting at.

The Winter General laughed, an open, evil laugh before he turned to me and held up some papers.

"Laxus Dreyar may have been your brother once, but he is no more. You see this? These are your adoption papers, signed by me and your father. You no longer belong to the Dreyar family. Your father, sold you off to me. Which means, I can do whatever I please with you, my new daughter, Maylene Whittaker," he sneered.

I looked at him in shock as I shook my head. "No... No! That isn't true! It can't be!" I yelled back at him.

The Ice King laughed, "Oh the truth can be so hard to deny can't it. If it makes you feel better, I didn't bother changing your guild mark. You won't live long enough to enjoy your new one anyway. Better make yourself at home, because it will be the first and last you ever see of it, my dearest daughter."

The Winter General laughed throwing the papers to the floor as he left the room without another word.

I looked down at the papers on the floor, my father's signature gleaming in its emerald green ink on the adoption form.

"No... Laxus..." I cried as tears streamed down my face.

A/N: Please don't kill me. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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