Chapter 23- The Big Brother She Needs You to Be

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***Freed's p.o.v***

"Is Laxus mad at me?" May said suddenly.

We all turned to her in question.

Bickslow, Ever, May, and I were washing the dishes for the night at Blue Pegasus.

"Of course he isn't mad at you. What makes you say that?" Ever asked.

"He's been avoiding me," May mumbled.

"He's just been out training. He just wants to get stronger. He hasn't been avoiding you," Bickslow reasoned.

"But even when he comes back, he barely talks to me, if at all. Did I do something wrong? Did I upset him? Whatever it is, I-I'll fix it. I'll-" I cut her off by placing my hand on her shoulder and bending down to her level.

"May, your brother cares deeply about you. Losing the guild has been hard on all of us, and this has just been his way of coping. He isn't mad at you, ok?" I reasoned with her.

May looked at me with teary eyes before she suddenly latched onto me, surprising me.

"I just miss him," May sniffled against me.

I smiled sadly, hugging her back.

"I know May, I know," I muttered to her, sharing a glance with the others.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

I sighed rubbing the back of my head as I entered the Blue Pegasus guildhall.

I was exhausted from all the training and all I wanted to do was sit, relax, and have a drink.

"Ah, welcome back Laxus, how was your training?" Master Bob asked as I sat at the bar.

"Fine, I could go for a drink though," I responded.

Master Bob nodded, walking away to get something.


I turned to see Freed and the others who all had serious expressions across their faces.

Thinking nothing of it I said, "Hey guys."

"Laxus, we need to talk," Freed said seriously.

I raised an eyebrow. "Can it wait? I just got back and I'm kind of exhausted," I said, thinking it was about a mission.

"No, as a matter of fact it cannot wait," Ever scolded crossing her arms.

"We need to talk to you now," Bickslow agreed, also crossing his arms.

I raised my eyebrows. "Alright," I muttered standing up and following them as they motioned for me to follow.

We entered one of the back rooms and Freed locked and placed runes on the door before turning back to face me.

"Alright, what's going on? You three are acting weird," I accused.

"Laxus, we need to talk about May," Bickslow started.

"May? What's wrong with her? Did she get hurt?" I questioned.

"Not physically," Ever answered accusingly.

I gave her a questioning look.

"May hasn't been herself recently," Bickslow answered.

"Huh? Why not?" I questioned, looking at him.

"Haven't you been paying attention? Some brother you are," Ever huffed, rolling her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

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