Chapter 44 - Rage

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A/N: The art above is by aconologias-ass on Tumblr

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A/N: The art above is by aconologias-ass on Tumblr. She actually made it today and it was perfect for this chapter so I thought I would include it. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!!!

***Bickslow's p.o.v***

Freed, Ever, Gajeel, Levy, and I quickly ran through the streets after Laxus.

A thundering roar filled the air as a blast of lightning shot into the quickly darkening sky. Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked within the now dangerously growing thunderclouds.

"Shit," I muttered, knowing that meant one thing.

May was gone and Laxus was pissed.

Quickly running through the streets, we quickly found what Laxus had found.

"Wendy!" Ever gasped as we all quickly ran to her side.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I couldn't- I couldn't help her," Wendy uttered out tearfully.

"It's all right Wendy, you did your best. We will get May back I promise," Ever said to Wendy comfortingly as she held her close.

We frowned at the sight before we turned our gaze to the raging storm above. We gasped in surprise and terror to see Laxus at its center, but he wasn't the Laxus we knew.

Yellow scales danced across his skin as yellow scaled wings of electricity and a yellow scaled tail protruded from his backside.

"What's-" I gasped.

"He's totally losing it," Gajeel muttered, grinding his teeth as he stared at the sky.

"What do you mean Gajeel?" Levy asked him.

"Take a look," Gajeel said pointing to the ground.

There were splotches of blood everywhere except for one place in particular where there was a lot of it.

"Some of it is Wendy's but most of it is May's. The scent of her blood is really thick here, it's making me sick. Kin's blood can make a dragon go haywire. Laxus is currently up there uncontrollably roaming around trying to furiously find May's scent. Which those bastards have somehow erased," Gajeel explained, wrinkling his nose.

"Wait, if that's the case then why aren't you affected?" I asked him.

"I am, but the only reason I'm not losing it like him is because I've got Levy here as my mate keeping me sane," Gajeel growled.

"Is that why he's turning into a dragon?" Levy questioned, blushing a bit at what Gajeel had just said.

"Yeah, his dragon instincts are currently going insane and since he didn't get that protection like the rest of us, he's slowly turning more and more into a dragon. If we can't calm him down or find May soon, he might just fully turn into a dragon," Gajeel spoke worriedly.

Freed shared a glance with me before we both nodded.

"Gajeel, you and Levy take Wendy back to Porlyusica. The rest of us will calm Laxus down and meet with you guys back at the guild," Freed ordered.

"Are you sure?" Gajeel questioned.

"He's our friend and we won't leave him," Ever defended handing Wendy to him.

I nodded, "Don't worry, we can handle this."

Gajeel smiled before he and Levy quickly left with Wendy and headed back to the guildhall.

"Are you guys ready?" Freed asked.

"Aye aye captain!" I smirked.

Ever and Freed smiled before they summoned their wings and I hopped on my babies.

Freed cast a quick enchantment to protect us from the lightning before we flew in close.



"Laxus can you hear us!" We shouted at him.

Laxus stopped, turning his head to us to reveal his normally gray orbs to be a glowing electric orange.

"Please calm down man! We'll find May together!" I yelled to him.

"We're here to help! We all want to get May back!" Ever tried.

"Please Laxus, listen to us," Freed pleaded.

Lightning shot at us, blowing us back as the lightning bounced off the runes. We grinded our teeth before we went up to try again.

"Laxus! Laxus please you have to listen to us," Ever pleaded.

"We know where May is!" I shouted. "We can find her together!"

The next split second I said that, Laxus was hovering right in front of me.

"Where," he snarled out as he growled.

I shook slightly terrified of him. "She's-"

"No, we aren't going to tell you," Freed sternly interrupted, crossing his arms as he glared at Laxus.

Ever and I widened our eyes at him.

Sparks immediately emitted from Laxus as a deep growl escaped from his chest.

Laxus was in front of Freed in an instant, a low growl echoing from his throat as he glared back at Freed's unwavering form.

"Where is she!" Laxus roared.

"We won't tell you, not until you've calmed down," Freed spoke sternly.

Laxus lifted his now clawed hand to hit Freed.

"Freed!" We yelled in a panic.

"Do you really think May would want to see you right now?"

Laxus stopped, his claw just in front of Freed's face as he froze at his words.

"What?" Laxus snarled.

"I said, do you really think May would want to see you right now?"

"After all you've been through how do you think May would react to seeing you act like this?" Freed spoke sternly.

For once Laxus was silent.

"She would be scared of you Laxus and you know it. After all you've done to bond with her, will you really throw it all away right now? Seems like a waste to me," Freed explained.

Laxus lowered his hand and stared at Freed. After a minute, the thunderclouds dissipated and Laxus lowered himself to the ground.

We landed beside him as his dragon form wore off.

A sigh left Laxus's lips before he glanced back at us, "Guys, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Laxus, everyone makes mistakes," Ever smiled.

"Well, I almost made a big one, so thanks for stopping me," Laxus told us.

Freed shook his head, "We didn't just do it for you, we did it for May as well. She means a lot to us too and we're just as worried about her as you are."

Laxus smiled before getting serious, "What's the plan?"

"We need to meet with the rest of the guild, but we're heading to Copper Plains," I spoke as we headed back towards the guildhall.

"Copper Plains? Isn't that just wide-open dead space?" Laxus questioned.

"Yeah, which is why it's the perfect place, for nobody to suspect," Freed spoke darkly.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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