Chapter 22- An Unexpected Adventure

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A/N: And I'm back! I hope your ready for more!! Also, I am now selling merch of my artwork on Redbubble under PokePrism144!! So go check it out and enjoy the chapter!!!

***May's p.o.v***

"Oof. Humph. Oh!" I squeaked out as I very difficultly exited the train car with the large package in my hand. I sighed in relief upon safely exiting that terrible abomination before turning to face the town of Aspen.

I exited the train station and started walking through the streets of Aspen town. Master Bob had asked me if I could deliver this package to the guild here. I was so excited to get out of the guildhall that I left without telling the Thunder Legion where I was going by accident.

I headed down the streets of Aspen town as I looked up at the sky in thought.

It's been half a year since Fairytail had disbanded. I never would've thought the mission I took with Laxus and the others after my sleepover with Wendy would be my last with Fairytail. I never would have expected Tartaros to attack us, no one did really, but I didn't really expect us to lose or be so badly poisoned from it either. I'm just glad Freed got us all back to the guild. Even then, it's thanks to Laxus that we were able to get an antidote to the poison. I heard that Gajeel and the others finally found their dragons, only to lose them. I felt so helpless, and when I heard that the guild was disbanding, I felt even worse. I wanted to at least say goodbye to everyone, but by the time we were awake, they were already gone. I felt so lonely it hurt. Laxus told me I was coming with him and the others, which made me feel a little better, but I still missed the others. They told me not to worry too much about it though, because they believed the guild will come back again someday, so that gave me a little hope. We decided to join Blue Pegasus so we can get some work until the guild comes back. I thought that would help me take my mind off of missing everybody, but it only got worse.

Ever since we joined Blue Pegasus, Laxus has been rarely at the guildhall. He's always out training, and when he comes back, he just leaves again the next day. I really miss him. It's so lonely without him. I at least have the Thunder Legion, but it's not the same. I wish Laxus was around more. I miss my brother. I stopped wandering and glanced around.

"Uh-oh," I muttered now worried.

"I think I'm lost," I said to myself.

Master Bob had told me only that their guild hall looks like a castle, but the surrounding buildings were too tall for me to see past.

"What do I do now?" I questioned to myself.

I continued down a few more streets and alleyways, wandering around to try and find this guildhall I was looking for.

Walking down another alleyway, I noticed a small cat in a pink frog suit, looking around as if it was lost too.

I walked over to it and bent down to its level asking, "Hello, are you lost?"

The pink frog cat looked at me with teary eyes saying, "Yes, Fro is lost."

"Well, my names May, and I'm lost too. You wanna come with me? That way we can at least be lost together," I suggested.

"Fro thinks so too," the frog cat smiled in agreement.

"Hop on," I beckoned as the frog cat climbed on.

As we started walking, I asked, "So what's your name?"

"I'm Frosch!" Frosch answered.

"Oh ok. Frosch, how did you end up getting lost?" I questioned.

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