Chapter 18- The Rules of Fairytail

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A/N: Sorry for being so late with this chapter. I wasn't feeling all to well last weekend and I had a lot of homework. I feel so much better now and I got all my homework done so I'm good to go! Enjoy this long awaited chapter!

***May's p.o.v***

I woke up early and was careful not to wake up Laxus as I quietly sneaked out of the house.

I really wanted to go back and check that shop again over what I saw yesterday. I wanted to see if it was what I thought it was so bad, I could hardly sleep last night.

So after carefully sneaking out of the house, I wandered around Magnolia to find the shop again. I thought about retracing our steps from yesterday to the train station, but I had no idea where the train station was, so that plan was out.

Soon enough though, I found the shop which happened to be a bookstore.

Looking through the window, I lit up upon seeing my favorite book sitting there in the window display.

'So it was here!' I thought happily.

"Hello deary, may I help you?" a kind elderly voice asks.

I turned to notice a nice elderly woman by the door of the shop. The bookstore owner I assumed.

"No, sorry. I was just looking. I read that book a lot when I was younger," I responded shyly, gesturing to my favorite book on the window display.

"Well deary, would you like to buy it?" She asked kindly.

I opened my mouth to say no, but then stopped remembering I got some reward money from the mission yesterday.

'I should have plenty of Jewels to buy the book.' I thought.

Turning back to the woman, I responded, "Yes please."


I smiled happily exiting the shop with my favorite book in hand as I waved goodbye to the kind bookstore owner.

Realizing I have been gone for a while now, and I wanted to avoid getting in trouble, I quickly headed back home.

'If I hurry back Laxus won't even notice that I had even left and I could avoid getting into trouble,' I thought, quickly moving through Magnolia.

After a bit, I realized I was lost.

'Uh oh,' I thought, glancing around.

Every street looked the same and I couldn't remember which street I had come from.

After a bit more of mindless wandering, I officially had no idea what I should do.

"What do I do now?" I muttered, glancing around helplessly.

***Freed's p.o.v***

I had just finished my grocery shopping for this morning and was currently heading back to my place, when I noticed...

"May?" I questioned seeing her on her own seemingly lost.

"Mister Freed!" May exclaimed, seemingly relieved at the sight of me.

"Please May, just Freed is fine. There's no need for formalities. We're all family within the guild," I told her.

"Oh ok," she responded.

"What are you doing out here? Where is Laxus?" I asked her.

"Um, he's not- he's not here," May mumbled.

"Are you out here by yourself?" I questioned concerned.

May nodded, tearing up. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get lost! I wasn't planning on being gone for too long! I just wanted to check out this book, so I snuck out, but I was going to come right back I promise!" She uttered out upset.

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