Chapter 20- To Trust your Instincts

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***May's p.o.v***

"You're going on a mission?" I questioned sadly.

"Yeah, but we'll be back soon," Laxus responded.

"Take me with you!" I begged him.

"Sorry May, but this one's dangerous. I'll take you with me next time," Laxus responded.

"But-" I started.

"We should be back before dark, but if we're not you'll stay with Gramps alright?" Laxus explained.

"But Laxus-" I tried.

"I've got to go. Take care May," Laxus said before he left alongside the Thunder Legion.

I stared after them sadly as they left the guild and disappeared from view.


"Hey May! Wanna go get something to eat! Natsu asked happily as he approached me alongside Happy.

"No... I'm not hungry..." I mumbled sadly.

"What's wrong May?" Happy asked concerned.

Before I could answer, Natsu asked, "Are you still worried about Laxus and the others? Don't be. Those guys can handle themselves."

"I know that, but I have a very bad feeling about that mission they took, and I can't help but feel worried about them," I muttered.

"You've got a bad feeling about their mission? Are you sure?" Natsu asked.

I nodded, "I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen and I'm really worried about them."

"Do you know where the mission is?" Natsu questioned.

I nodded.

"Ok, that settles it then! Happy you go with May and take her to find Laxus and the others," Natsu orders.

"But won't Master find out and stop us?" Happy questioned.

"Nope, I'll keep him busy with a distraction while you two sneak on out of here. He won't even notice that your gone!" Natsu answers with a grin.

"Aye sir!" Happy exclaims, agreeing with the plan.

I blinked at him in surprise and shock. "Natsu why...?" I questioned.

"If you think something bad is going to happen then I believe you. As long as you can promise me you can get them and yourself back in one piece, then I'll always be happy to help you. Trust your instincts May, and go help Laxus in the others," Natsu grinned.

I smiled, giving him a nod.

"Hey Droopy-eyes! Elfman thinks you're weaker than me and I agree!" Natsu shouted.

Soon enough, there was a gigantic fight involving the entire guild.

"That was quick," I muttered surprised.

"Now's our chance May, let's go," Happy says before he lifts me up and flies us out of the guildhall.


"This is the forest where the dark guild is supposed to be from their mission," Happy said as we flew over the treetops.

"Hold on Happy, I just thought of something. We should land outside of the forest so we don't get spotted if we haven't already," I told him.

"Aye sir!" Happy agreed as we landed on the forests edge.

"How are we going to find them though?" Happy asked.

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