Chapter 24- Show Him What your Made of

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait, school has been crazy. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

***May's p.o.v***

"So May, tell me about your magic," Laxus asks suddenly as I followed him towards our training destination.

I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Well, if we're going to train, we need to know our strengths and weaknesses, so we know what to improve on," Laxus explained.

"So why don't you tell me a little bit about your spells?" Laxus asked turning to me.

"Oh, well, the basics are obvious. I have my Breath attack, Wing attack, Talon attack, and Crushing Fang attack. As for the others, I have a spell that encases my hand in ice in the shape of a dragon's claw. It can help offensively and defensively to deal with and out strong blows. I also have a spell to go alongside it called Severed Crystals, which will freeze and shatter anything I slice through with my claws. It's similar in a way to my Freeze Burst spell, where I release a barrage of ice that I can make explode. My Freeze Dry attack allows me to freeze something to the point of shattering, but it takes a lot of energy out of me. My mist spell is pretty basic, it allows me to cover the field in a frosty mist temporarily. It can help me hide and take out groups a little at a time, especially if I use my Ice Body spell. My Ice Body spell is my most versatile spell. It can make me invisible within mist, snow, or ice storms, but it can also protect me from smaller spells. When I'm using my Ice Body spell, frost emits continuously from my body, so little spells freeze before they can even touch me," I smiled up at him.

"That explains why those runes couldn't touch you from that mission six months ago," Laxus muttered in understanding.

"I can also drop the temperature of my body to make my spells more powerful if I need to, but it can take a toll on me. So I don't do it often," I added.

"Interesting. That's very impressive May," Laxus praised.

I beamed.

"As for me, mines pretty self-explanatory. You already probably know what my Breath attack and Iron Fist spell does," Laxus started.

I nodded.

"Well, Lightning Dragon's Jaw allows me to slam down on an opponent with two fists full of lightning. Iron Hammer is similar except I slam my hand into the ground sending a torrent of lightning at my opponent, but it destroys the ground in the process, so I don't use it often. Raging Bolt is just me throwing a large bolt of lightning and Heavenward Halberd is just me throwing a spear made out of lightning. Then Breakdown Fist is just a fist made out of lightning that I throw. I can also engulf myself and become lightning to fly. Other than that, I do know how to use thought projection magic, but that's pretty much all for now," Laxus finishes.

I nodded, processing the information.

"Well, we're here," Laxus announced as I looked up.

We were in a stone area at the edge of the forest. There were slight burn marks here and there suggesting Laxus had been here many times before.

"Well then, let's get started," Laxus said placing down his bag.

I looked up at him curiously.

"We'll practice by facing off against each other, if that's ok with you?" Laxus asked moving across the stone field.

I nodded, getting serious as I placed my bag down and moved to face Laxus.

"Ready?" He asked.

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