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"So" Lily said, switching the bags from her left hand to her right as she took out the keys to Marlene's house from her bag "how are we going to do this?" 

"We? Oh I'm so glad you said we, I thought I'd have to do this all on my own" Marlene sighed. 

"Hey, you're the one who organised everything while I sat and cried when I found out so I think its only fair I do the same for you" 

"Except I can properly function at the moment" Marlene grinned and bolted towards the door, you didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of Lily's hexes. 

"Hey!" Lily yelled after her, smiling to herself, her best friends mood seemed to have improved   "I didn't want to bring a child into the middle of a war" 

"Yeah, but he literally saved the world so that might have been a good move on your part" Marlene grinned, poking her head round the door. 

"Well I'm glad you feel better Marls but I could do with a few less tonnes of baby clothes ripping into my hands, and, you never answered my question. What are we going to do? Do you want it to be simple or extravagant?"

Lily had finally been let in the door and plonked the bags down, looking around the familiar house before her eyes settled on Timothy's water bowl in the corner. "Ooooooooh, I know! We can use Timmy!"


Sirius finished work on Mondays at 6pm, and always came straight home, arriving just a few minutes after 6. So why was he still not here? 

Marlene checked the clock on the wall again, 6:08, where was he? He was never this late home on a Monday. 

She paced around the room for a few moments more, before giving up and sitting in the chair by the fireplace, this way she would be able to know as soon as he Floo'd in. 

It felt like only moments before she was awoken by the hard hammer of rain against the shutters, making them creak on their hinges. Pregnancy must be making her tired, or maybe just the events of the day had overwhelmed her, but she had definitely fallen asleep, and her husband was definitely still not home. 

And it was 8:32. 

She calmed herself, maybe he had just come in when she was asleep and decided not to wake her, maybe he would be in their room having a nap, or he could be in the kitchen making dinner, or he could have even taken Timmy out. 

But their room was empty, the kitchen void of the life and smells always present when Sirius cooked, and Timmy was on his bed, cowering away from the violent battering coming from outside. 

He wasn't here. So she panicked. 

Even with Voldemort gone there were still plenty of bad people out there, and she couldn't think of one who actually liked her or Sirius.. But she could think of plenty who didn't, some of who were in his family and therefore in her own, the same people who had tried to stop her going to her own wedding at all... 


Stupid, he was so stupid. How could he have let them take him like this. He should have been paying more attention. He should have noticed the fact that he had been being followed since lunch. His best friend, his brother is an Auror, he should have noticed the signs. He could have endangered all of his patients. Worse, if he had gone home for lunch, he could have endangered Marlene. How could he have been so stupid? 

You could practically hear Sirius's anger rolling off him, left alone in the dark, dank room. And it was his family who took him, really, had they not had enough fun? Kidnapping his wife the night before their wedding? And now kidnapping him on a random Monday? Not cool. 

His thoughts quickly returned to his wife who would be waiting at home, terrified that he was not back yet, what was he going to do? 

'Or maybe she won't be worried, maybe she will be glad to be rid of me for a while', he though bitterly. Marlene had just been so, off, with him recently. He didn't know what he had done, and he certainly didn't know how to fix it. 

What if she had realised the mistake she had made, marrying into the Black family. Ugh, the name tasted bitter on his tongue. If he could remove every part of him that made him a Black, he would. He wouldn't choose to be a Black, so why had he expected Marlene to want to be? And why was she? 

What if she didn't love him anymore? He didn't know what he would do if that was the case. Marlene was his everything, and if he didn't have her, he didn't know what he had. Life would be dull and grey if it didn't have Marlene in it. He didn't know why everyone didn't have a Marlene, the world would be a much better place if they did. 

It was during his philosophising, that Sirius failed to notice the loud crashes coming from the rest of the house, and only snapped back into the room when he heard his best mate's voice yelling at him to get a move on and come and grab his wand. Sometimes, his dog hearing really failed him. 

James dashed into the room, his eyes squinting as he took in the shadowed room, eventually finding Sirius stood at the back, clearly disorientated by the noise from all around, and, might James add, the lack of light that was evident. It was a good job Sirius wasn't afraid of the dark. 

"Alright there mate?" 

"Yeah. Head hurts a bit. But other than that I'm fine. Got my wand?" 

"Damn, knew I'd forgotten something. God, Marlene's going to kill me if she finds out I came in here to get you and forgot to find your wand" James muttered. 

Locking eyes, they both decided it best to just find his wand now. Sirius had always wondered why they never snapped people's wands. Whenever The Order had taken people in, that was one of the first things they did, so why his family never did that was a mystery to him. But hey, if it meant he didn't have to buy a new wand, it was okay with him. 

As usual, Sirius had been trapped in someone's cellar, and someone very rich by the looks of it. As they silently ascended, it became much brighter and much rosier, everywhere you looked there was pink throws or pink wallpaper. They were surrounded by pink. That was even weirder than being trapped in someone's cellar. Sirius had been kidnapped a number of times, but never in a house this cheery. Ironically, the immaculate cleanliness of the house made him miss the cellar. This was just all too weird, too bubbly. 

At the top of the stairs, they ran into the lanky frame of Remus, cloaked by a dillusionment charm. 

"Merlin Moony, maybe warn us next time we're about to run into you" James groaned, heaving Sirius up from the floor. 

"Hey Pads, Mad-Eye's got your wand. Let's go" Remus revealed himself, ushering them towards the door. 

"Sirius Orion Black, get back here now you little blood traitor" 

Sirius froze. 


A/N aaaand cut. 

Sorry guys I'm so swamped right now but I promise I haven't forgotten you. This book will get an end, it just might take some time. 

But anyways, I hope you liked the chapter :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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