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A/N Remus is here! I hope you like this chapter. As usual please, read, vote and comment and if you want, send and suggest to your friends :) Shoutout to @VoldiesMoldy

Remus was happy, he finally got to go home. After months of trekking through forests and ramshackle villages alike, he finally got to back to his friends; his family.

He had spent nearly 2 months searching for fellow Werewolves and try to get to them before Fenrir Greyback did which seemed a futile mission as Greyback had been finding and turning them for Voldemort since his initial rise all those years ago. Nevertheless, it was the task he had been asked to do and kept him away from Sirius and his accusations.

One Month Ago...

News did not travel particularly quickly to Remus from the Order of The Phoenix and it just so happened that he had heard of Voldemort's demise in whispers from the village that he had been staying in that week, in a town he did not even know the name of, before he had had certified news from Order confirming his suspicions.

Remus was once again in a village he did not know the name of, hiding down an alleyway in his tattered, worn robes, his briefcase bearing the name 'Professor R.J. Lupin' printed on the side.

He remembered the day that his friends had given it to him...

It was his birthday, the 10th March 1977, his 17th birthday in fact. The day he became an adult. He woke up that morning, his eyes opening to the sight of his drapes, usually red, now a putrid green. Knowing this would be the first prank of many he sat up, expecting the worst and receiving it, smoke and glitter bombs exploding above his head, spelling out the words 'Happy Birthday Moony!'  

Once the thick blue smoke cleared, he looked around. His friends were sat in their beds, smiles plastered on their faces, looking at the pile of presents on the foot of Remus's bed.

"Guys. This is too many presents. You shouldn't have" the pile was much larger than it had ever been before.

"No it's not. It's not everyday you become an adult" James smiled warmly at him

"Go on, open them" Peter piped up

"Yeah. Merlin Moony, we spent hours and hours wrapping them!" Sirius exclaimed falling dramatically backwards onto his bed.

"Yeah. Do you want all of our blood, sweat and tears to go to waste?" James joined in with the act.

"Okay, okay. I'll open them" he moved towards the presents at the bottom of the bed.   
"But you really shouldn't have. It's too much"

"Nonsense!"  Sirius exclaimed.                                                                                            
"Besides, Prongs has got more money than he knows what to do with. Let him spoil you."

Naturally, Remus gravitated to the largest present in the pile, a box around the size of two shoeboxes. He looked to his friends, unsure as to whether they wanted to save it until the end of the present-giving.

"Go on" prompted Peter                                                                                                                                                
"Open it"

Remus obliged and carefully pulled the paper off the box, setting the card that said 'To Moony, Love The Marauders' down on is desk, beside a photograph of the four of them. The box underneath the shiny, red paper was plain white, giving no hint as to what was in it. Slowly, he pulled the lid off, revealing a fresh, new leather suitcase, with buckles and a handle.

He felt as though his heart might burst                                                                                                                     
"Guys, this is too kind" he could feel tears in his eyes.

"You haven't even seen the best bit yet. Take it out of the box" Sirius spoke, his voice full of warmth.

Remus pulled the briefcase out of the box carefully, revealing the embossed lettering 'Professor R.J. Lupin'. He could feel a few tears on his cheeks but before he knew it he inhaled the familiar scent of his friends, crowding round his bed, their arms pulling them all into a large group hug.

The rest of the day had been spent similarly, Sirius had conjured a birthday hat that Remus could not remove from his head and had been forced to wear all day, James had made sure that everyone in the school knew that it was his birthday with his own rendition of 'Happy Birthday' whilst he stood on the Gryffindor table at breakfast and Peter had supplied him a selection of chocolate that he felt would last his a few months.

But it hurt him now, thinking about that. How Sirius had betrayed James, Lily and Harry, his best friend, his Godson and the person who understood his family problems like no-one else and understood hers. They were Sirius's family and he had betrayed them.

Remus looked at his watch, the only thing keeping him even slightly in sync with the rest of the world. 3rd November, Sirius's birthday. He would be 22. Remus could only hope he was having as miserable a time as possible, he didn't deserve to be happy anymore. He lost that option when he betrayed the Potters.

"Happy Birthday" he said bitterly to the air.

A day later and he was in the same alleyway, about to give up when a white light at the end of the passage drew his attention. He drew his wand, holding it aloft infront of him and made his way toward the light.

To his great surprise, the light had materialised into his mentor, his teacher, Minerva McGonagall.

She spoke quietly but hurriedly,                                                                                                                                
"Remus. I am here to bring you news. James, Lily and Harry were attacked by Voldemort. Voldemort did not survive. They are safe, currently residing at Black Cottage-"

"What! How could you let them stay there with that- with that- with that traitor" he spat out the words.

"Oh no, no, my dear boy. Sirius was not the Secret Keeper. It was Mr Pettigrew."

Remus was shocked, he felt terrible. This whole time he had been blaming Sirius and it had not been him. He sunk to the floor, his knees to weak to hold him up any longer. He didn't want to believe it but it made sense, he was never around, he was twitchy, he was never there when something happened. He supposed it should have been harder to believe but it wasn't. One of his best friends had betrayed them and if he ever saw him, Peter would wish he had not crossed Remus Lupin. He had messed with his family and that was not okay.

"I am sorry my boy, but you must continue your mission. We feel Mr Pettigrew may reach out to you and if he does you will need to restrain him and hand him over to the Aurors to be taken to Azkaban in any way necessary. I am sorry Remus" she gave Remus a fleeting hug and disappeared into the air once more, leaving him alone once again in the dank alley.

He stayed like that for a few minutes, a heavy feeling in his heart before he brushed himself off, sat up and attempted to continue like McGonagall had told him to do.

A/N I hope you liked it! What do you think is going to happen next? If you have something you want me to include either comment it or message me and I can try to add it!

Thankyou guys! :)

E  <3

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