Marry me?

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A/N shoutout to @revetaar for interacting so much. This one's quite long. Thankyou!
All characters are owned by JK Rowling at this point.

Sirius awoke on the morning of the 12th of November completely and utterly excited. Today was the day he would propose to Marlene and he couldn't be happier.

He turned on his side to look at his beautiful girlfriend (hopefully fiancé by the end of they day) as she lay asleep next to him, her eyelids fluttering lightly as she dreamed. Her dirty blonde hair coiled around her face, framing it in the early morning sun coming in through a crack in the curtains. Her pink lips pouted slightly as she breathed and Sirius thought she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world.

But he was worried: worried that she wouldn't want to marry him because 'who would want to marry a Black?', worried that she loved someone else more and worried that if she did want to marry him she wouldn't want to marry him yet and he would scare her off. But despite this, he had hope. He had seen how happy James and Lily were being married and they had not even been together for a year before James proposed. Sirius had seen the way Lily looked at James and told him and James had said that Marlene looked at Sirius the same way. He had hope. And he had Marlene.

He was brought back to reality by Marlene stirring as she woke up.

"Hey" he said, not able to tear his eyes away from her.

"You know. Some people consider staring creepy" she said, smiling at him.

"I can't help myself though. You're just too beautiful" he replied, kissing her.

"I know.. I know" she said sarcastically, sitting up, one of Sirius's many 'Queen' t-shirts that she had claimed unfolding as she pulled herself up.

Sirius had the whole day planned out; he would make her breakfast in bed, they would then go to the cinymar to watch the movie that she had been wanting to watch. Then, after lunch, Lily would take Marlene shopping because 'Harry needed more clothes as they left them all at Godric's Hollow' whilst he and James set up the house. When they got back, Lily and James were going to take Harry to visit Frank, Alice and Neville Longbottom so he could propose more intimately.

He jumped up from the bed.
"You stay here. I shall make you breakfast in bed mademoiselle" he proclaimed, using his funny french accent while Marlene chuckled as he rushed out of the room.

She wondered why he was so energetic, he was never this energetic in the morning, sometimes she would have to literally drag him out of bed. When she was unable to come up with any other reason, she decided that he must be jittery because of 'the surprise' Lily had said there would be, she hoped that was why.

Sirius could not control his actions as he hummed his way around the kitchen, making breakfast. He was nervous yet excited, and could not wait to know her answer.

He filled the tray with Marlene's favourite breakfast; pancakes with chocolate sauce and strawberries along with orange juice for the both of them and went back to their room.

Marlene had decided to change her clothes whilst Sirius had been gone and changed out his 'Queen' t-shirt for his Quidditch hoodie, 'BLACK' printed across her black in gold lettering. Sirius took this as a good sign and his mood improved even more when he saw it.

"You know. You do have clothes of your own" he said, chuckling as he set the tray down upon the bed
"Your breakfast mademoiselle" he used his french accent once again.

"What's put you in such a good mood?" she asked, raising her eyebrows quizzically
"And you got out of bed without me having to drag you."

"I just have a good feeling about today. Today is going to be a good day" he said, hoping he was right, today would either make him the happiest man alive or shatter him. He hoped it was not the latter.

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