The Questions

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A/N shoutout to Natalia_the_seeker <3 . JK Rowling owns all her characters I own my OC's
Have fun reading!

"Okay enough" Rachel yelled, silencing Lily, making the entire party fall silent "Shut up. He doesn't love you and he never will. He loves me. Just because you 'know him better' doesn't mean he loves you. Besides, you probably don't even know the answers to those questions" by now the whole party was watching her, by now Remus was behind her, by now he could see who she really was.

"You willing to bet on that?" James came out of the crowd towards the girls and Rachel

"Because I would be willing to bet a lot of money that they do in fact know the answers to those question" Sirius stood beside Marlene, his arm slung around her shoulders, wedding band glinting in the fairy lights.

"And" James started

"We have a question for you" Sirius continued

"About you this time, maybe you can actually answer it" James said, slight menace in his voice, unnoticeable to some, but not to his friends and family. Lily put her arm round his middle, calming him.

"Why would our wives want Remus to love them?" Sirius asked her

"Not that he doesn't, they're like his sisters, but what makes you think they want him?" James smiled at her condescendingly

"Wh-wha-what?" Rachel finally blurted out "But the baby, who's baby is that then?" She pointed at Harry who was lugging along a great mass of orange fur, Bambi's paint spread across his white costume, ears balanced precariously on Timothy's back as he trotted behind him.

"He's our son" Lily said, as if it was obvious. Everyone had said he looked like a mini James, just with her eyes, how could Rachel not see that? Had she really listened that little? They had talked about him at dinner the night that she came over.

Remus, who had been quiet, spoke up "go on" he said "get them to answer the questions" while Remus may have come off as the kindest, least revenge-seeking Marauder, it was still in there, he just hid it better, he knew how to fool people.

"Fine" Rachel said "first question, his biggest fear?" She asked, she was actually curious to hear this one, nice leverage if she ever needed it

"Easy" Lily said "Hurting one of us" the others all nodded. Rachel thought it was stupid, that was his biggest fear? Really? Hurting them, not even hurting her? But them?

"Fine, second, where did he go to school?"

"Duh, ol' Hoggy Warty with us" Marlene said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but Rachel was perplexed, what was a Hoggy Warty? And why did they call a school that?!

"Third" Rachel said, making her tone bored " dream job"

"DADA teacher or general teacher" Marlene said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Rachel decided to ignore the strange word, these people were weird "first friend at school?"

"Peter" Lily said quietly "Next question"

"Grandparents dead or alive"

"Dead" Marlene said rather bluntly, looking over at Remus sheepishly; he did not seem bothered.

"First pet" they were getting faster and faster now, a competition of sorts

"Fish" Lily

"What was that fish called"

"Harold" Lily again

"Who did he live with when he realised his parents didn't want him?"

"He lived with me for a couple of days, and then he went to James's" Marlene said, looking over at them fondly

"How many relationships has he had" Rachel didn't know if she wanted the answer to this one

"Five" Lily said slightly smugly, it was fun making this Rachel (or Sally in Marlene's case) girl squirm

"And his sexuality.." Rachel trailed off. She would have thought this one would be obvious but after what she had heard tonight, she wasn't so sure

"He's Bi" Marlene said, loving the look on Rachel's face.

"He's what?!" She exploded "Has he ever had a boyfriend?" she asked Marlene but didn't let her answer, instead tuning to Remus "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Um, yeah" Remus said "three" it hung in the air for a moment, the rest of the guests dispersing to areas around the garden.

"Ew" Rachel said, making Sirius, James and Marlene leap at her, making it very difficult for Remus and Lily to hold them back, their own anger nearly bubbling over, it would not be good if they let it get out of control, unlike some people.

"Get out" Remus said, his voice low and calm, a deadly menace hidden behind the words. "Get out now."

Luckily, Rachel took the hint, scurrying out of the garden as fast as her extraordinarily high heels would let her, heels sinking into the ground. The rest of the guests followed suite. Remus didn't really mind, he'd never really spent any time with them, he'd always been with the Marauders at school. He didn't have time for other friends. He had to keep these guys in check and plan their pranks. Without him they were useless and they were always caught.

Sirius, Marlene, James and Lily turned to look at Remus, pity evident on their faces, though how he could be sad that he had gotten rid of that they had no idea. Still, he was their best friend, they would make him feel better if they had to.

Instead of a sad face, they were met with a happy one. "Prongs, Doe" he said turning to Lily and James "I presume there's some Firewhisky around here somewhere?" They raised their eyebrows "then let's get this party started" he raised his voice, just loud enough so that Rachel could hear it, he could still hear her tottering down the pavement. Wolf hearing was handy sometimes. He picked Harry up "and maybe get this little one to bed."

They all headed into the house, ready to celebrate properly now she was gone.


Hope you enjoyed it :)

Next week

Elizabeth x

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