Mama loves you, dada loves you

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A/N all characters are owned by JK Rowling.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! We'll hold him off-"

Lily heard shouts and crashes from downstairs as she frantically pushed furniture towards the door using all the courage and strength she could muster to stay strong for her son behind her.

When there was no furniture left to be moved towards the door and her heart breaking as she heard the fight below ending and wishing that she had her wand with her to protect Harry she rushed over to the cot, whispering to Harry
"Harry mama loves you, dada loves you. Harry be safe, be strong" as she heard the door banging against all of the furniture she had used to protect Harry.

Finally the door was blasted open and Voldemort waltzed in, levitating a stoic Sirius and a shattered-looking James behind him. As soon as James saw Lily and Harry he started yelling
"Lily, Harry go! Run!" But was silenced with a flick of Voldemort's wand and hovered there writhing to escape to save his wife and son.

Lily looked frantically around for something, anything to protect her baby boy from the vile creature in his nursery but found nothing, instead finding herself face-to-face with Voldemort.

"Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!" She begged spreading her arms wide as if to protect him from the Dark Lord's sneering face.

"Stand aside, you silly girl...stand aside now..." he ordered staring at the broken woman in front of him

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead-"

"This is my last warning-"

"Not Harry! Please...have mercy...have mercy...Not Harry! Not Harry! Please - I'll do anything-"

"Stand aside- stand aside, girl-"

When he finally realised she would not move he decided to inflict the same pain upon her as decided for her husband and best friend so he raised his wand and she flinched back expecting to be killed but instead was bound and levitated to the side of the room joining James and Sirius.

Voldemort walked simply and plainly towards the cot holding Harry and Harry looked up at him, expecting his mama or papa or even his uncle pafoo to come out of the cloak but broke down into tears when met with the hollow red eyes of Voldemort.

This distressed Lily and James more than anything as they strained against their bonds trying to free themselves to protect their son whilst Sirius's face was one of pure loathing towards Voldemort but also betrayal and hurt as he though of Peter Pettigrew, the slimy rat that had betrayed his friends.

Voldemort slowly levelled his wand with Harry's forehead wanting to watch the light leave the eyes of his one true enemy; the one thing in his way from becoming an immortal, unbeatable leader and ruling over all.

He spoke simply and calmly though inside he was gleeful, he could finally rule as he should.

"Avada Kedavra"

The rush of green light emitted from Voldemort's wand as James', Lily's and Sirius's hearts broke for the little boy clutching onto the cot.
It hit him on the head but backfired and hit Voldemort shattering the house's walls from the power and as they watched Voldemort disappeared, his body crumbling and sucking into something like none of them had ever seen before.

James, Lily and Sirius were dropped to the floor not daring to look up and see their entire world lying dead in his cot when they heard a whimper and then Harry let out a wail as he clutched his cot looking at his mama, papa and uncle pafoo laying on the floor.

I hope you like it :) please vote and comment. I would love for all feedback possible.

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