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A/N I only own my OC's. The rest are owned by JK Rowling. Shoutout to @SrijanSharma8, @n_alka08, @Arecynthia and @Meggie_Elizabeth thanks for voting!

Time had passed. It was now Christmas and everyone was excited. Marlene and Sirius partly because it was so close to their wedding, partly because it was Christmas, Christmas reminded Marlene of her family. It was their favourite holiday before they were killed and therefore it was her favourite holiday too. That was another reason their wedding was so close to Christmas, then she would feel like she had her family with her. They felt most alive at Christmas.

Remus was finally content, he had a flat, at the bottom of the block, with a basement. He felt safe here and he finally felt like he belonged somewhere. Sure, he was welcome at Lily and James's or Marlene and Sirius's. Heck, he was even welcome at McGonagall's house, but they never were his, he had never belonged. His parents had never accepted him after what happened so he had never belonged with them after the age of four.

Though Lily and James had had a Christmas with Harry, this one felt more special. They could finally celebrate properly, they could finally leave the house, they could finally feel safe, if only for now. Harry's new glasses were somewhat of an obsession for him, he loved taking them off and putting them back on, sometimes even putting them on other people if he deemed them worthy enough.


"Mummy...daddy...Christmas!" Harry yelled, his short legs carrying him rather fast into his parents bedroom where they lay, each holding the other tight, as if afraid to let go.

James woke first, leaving Lily to sleep, and carrying Harry into the kitchen where he made and fed him breakfast, an extravagant heap of chocolate brioche, a Christmas special.

Not long after however, Lily came blearily into the kitchen, plonking herself down onto the barstool and grabbing herself a brioche from the mound on Harry's plate, making him giggle and his emerald green eyes twinkle.

"Morning Lils" James said, giving her a kiss before he was interrupted by Harry, having expertly finished his entire plate of food, a mammoth task for such a small boy.

"Presents!" he yelled, running out of the room and coming back in with their stockings, his considerably larger than his parents.

"Go on then, open them" Lily said, heaving him up onto a chair where he started pulling small presents out of the stocking.

James put his hand into his, pulling out a soft package, roughly the size of his hand. Whilst Harry opened his, James opened his, thanking 'Santa' for the wonderful new Quidditch gloves, his eyes locking with Lily's as he said it.

'Santa' had given Lily some new art supplies, along with potions flasks, vials and ingredients.

When they had finished exchanging presents and gotten dressed, they took the Floo to Remus's flat where they picked him up, before Flooing to Sirius and Marlene's where they were spending the rest of the day.


Sirius and Marlene woke up, the presents they had placed in their bedroom the night before begging to be opened.

Sirius settled one end of the bed, Marlene the other, their presents all around them. Marlene had a surprise for Sirius, sleeping in the large cardboard box atop his knees.

"Open it" she said, her eyes glittering.

Sirius, always one for presents, ripped off the paper, revealing a sleeping puppy, it's golden fur matching Marlene's hair.

"Lily said you loved my hair so I chose one that matched it. What are you going to name him?" she asked.

Sirius was too lost for words. She knew him too well. He loved dogs, he was part dog, he knew just what to call him.

"Timothy" tears started rolling down her cheeks. That name meant so much to her, he meant so much to her. Her brother, her best friend, her confidant, Timothy.

"It's perfect" she smiled, she stroked the little dog's head, scratching behind his ears, using her wand to engrave his name into his collar. The collar matched Sirius's eyes, dark but warm, like hot chocolate.


"Hey guys" Remus called as he stepped through the fireplace, James, Lily and Harry following closely behind.

"Hi" Marlene said, coming down the stairs, he blonde hair flowing elegantly behind her. "Sirius'll be down in a minute, he's just doing something" she smirked.

"Okay" Lily was the only one who had noticed the smirk, smirks were not a good thing.

"Hello peoples" Sirius declared, coming down the stairs too, a golden bundle in his arms "Meet Timothy" their eyes all watered, Timothy had ben like an older brother to all of them, not just Marlene.

"Doggy" Harry squealed, running over to where Sirius had placed Timothy on the floor, his short tail wagging quickly, making his entire bottom shake as he investigated the room, particularly interested in the smells coming from below Danny's perch. The big black bird eyed the puppy carefully, calculating whether he was prey, friend or a nuisance. He decided on nuisance.


By the end of the day, Harry deemed the puppy worthy, and placed his glasses on his head, pulling them quickly off the floor when they fell off, putting them back between his ears.

"Harry baby. I don't think he likes them" Lily said "Come on, lets have dinner" she picked him up off the floor and slotted him into his highchair, Sirius picking Timothy up off the floor and putting him on his bed where he promptly flopped into the soft padding and closed his eyes, letting out a large yawn before he fell asleep, exhausted from the exciting day.


Dinner was an extravagant affair, involving both James and Sirius cooking for a large majority of the day and a turkey larger than Harry.

They all sat around the table, conversation flowing as easily as ever, certain topics completely avoided apart from when Sirius decided that the turkey looked a lot like Peter would have if James had let him go after him.

They finished the evening completely at ease, happy with how their life was now. They had everything they would ever need, though the underlying excitement for the wedding only multiplied when they realised just how close it was.

A/N I hope you liked it. Chapters will come out round every week now as I am more busy. Sorry.

Thanks for reading!

Keep voting and commenting :)

Elizabeth x

The Potters; The Family That LivedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora