Three Little Pigs

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A/N sorry I missed so long but I had writers block. Have fun reading!

It was now Harry's birthday, his second birthday to be exact; and Lily and James wanted to make it perfect. 

They weren't stupid, they knew he wouldn't remember it, but this party was almost more for them than it was for Harry. What he had been through, they were nearly glad he was so young, it meant he would hopefully forget the horror that had happened to him, or at least not remember too much of it. 

Occasionally, they would be woken up by Harry's cries, pure terror in his voice, evidently remembering what had happened, and even though they had been through it, they could only imagine what he felt. One of them would rush through to his room, scoop him from his cot and carry him into their room, placing him between them on the bed James holding his feet (something that his father had done for him, something that soothed both him and Harry) and Lily stroking his hair until he fell asleep. 

But they were focussing on his birthday. They didn't want to have a big party, not like Remus's party this year, just a small one, one with just them, Sirius and Marlene, and Remus. Just his family. 

Of course, they had got Harry presents, but along with that, they had spent a few weeks putting together a show for him, each of them learning a part in the play. James and Sirius had also made him a cake, their cooking skills far topping everyone else. Lily had enchanted a chocolate snitch to fly round the cake whilst Marlene decided on decorations and a colour scheme, occasionally having input like, 'do it so it looks like a fish' from the boys; not helpful suggestions. 


It was finally time for the production, and Sirius was way too excited. They had created a stage, much like the one in 'The Sound Of Music' but instead of using puppets, they were using people. 

Marlene and James wheeled the stage into the room (having the most strength out of all of them due to their jobs) whilst Sirius bounced up and down beside them like a small child. Anyone would think it was his birthday, not Harry's. 

They had decided to recreate Harry's favourite book, between them they lacked in imagination. Only Sirius had imagination and the ideas he came up with, were, well, questionable... Harry's favourite story was 'The Three Little Pigs' an odd choice for a wizard but it made sense to them. Sirius had been repeatedly read all of 'The Tales Of Beedle The Bard' throughout his childhood and that brought back his trauma. Similarly, James, Marlene and Remus had been read them by their parents, Marlene and James sad that theirs were gone, Remus upset by the bitter memories of his 'parents'. However, Lily loved muggle fairytales. Though her parents were gone, that was one of the ways she coped. She buried herself into the world of fairytales with happy endings, happy endings that she didn't think she would get, not in a world with Voldemort. But maybe she would now? Right now she had everything she needed, and right now, there was no danger, at least not much anyway. 


Sirius, James and Remus were playing the little pigs, Lily the wolf and Marlene their mother, right before they left home, but also the man from which they bought their socks, straw and bricks; acting wasn't her thing. She was however, doing props and sound effects, something she found much more exciting and entertaining. 


They had just started the section of the play where the wolf blew down the first house made of straw, and Harry was ecstatic. He clapped his hands together in glee, watching as the straw house in front of him was blown apart by his mother dressed in an elaborate wolf costume. He suddenly saw his Uncle Mooey run from the pile of straw, furiously knocking on the wooden house where his dad was hiding. He watched once again as the house blew down, this time revealing both his Uncle Mooey and his Dada. They ran towards the house made of bricks, bariccaidng them inside with Uncle Pafoo whilst the wolf stalked up to the house. This time, however, no matter how much the wolf blew, she could not get the house of bricks to fall down. She climbed the tree next to the house, making her way over to the chimney before dropping down it like Santa Clause. Anyone would have expected her to fall to the floor but instead, in a whoosh of green flames, she was gone, and the three little pigs lived happily ever after. 

Lily came running down the stairs, the wolf face pulled off her head, strands of auburn hair plastered to her skin, a large smile on her face. She joined hands with James, James with Remus, Remus with Sirius and finally Sirius with Marlene. They all stood on the stage, taking a bow whilst Harry jumped up and down in his seat, overwhelmed by what he had just seen. 


The rest of the day passed in a blur, presents and cake and many games of exploding snap later, Harry was exhausted, but Lily and James hoped that he might, just maybe, remember this birthday. 

A/N hope you enjoyed it! 

Stay tuned for a new chapter next week! 

Elizabeth x 

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