The Mother

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A/N All characters apart from my OC's are owned by JK Rowling. Shoutout to @thedamthea thank you so much for all the comments! Also, shoutout to @GinnyWeasley387 thanks for the comments. It means a lot !

James stood with his two best friends in his living room. Two. He never thought he would say that. Two. Even if one of them was dead they would still be his best friend. But this was worse. What Peter did, or what he didn't do, was so much worse. He protected himself rather than them. James always knew that Peter was the weak one, he just never imagined how weak he was. If he wasn't so angry he might feel pity for the excuse of a man, but he couldn't, not after what he did. Betraying him, that was bad, betraying Lily, James could never forgive Peter for that, she was the second most important thing in his world, but betraying Harry, a baby, a baby who had done nothing wrong, that was unforgivable. James hoped that Peter got The Dementor's Kiss, and he hoped it hurt.

They were going to Hogwarts today, to ask McGonagall if she would help them. From what she had said in her letter, they were hopeful. Though Remus was not an Animagus, he was there for a slight guilt factor, they hoped she would understand more why they did it if he were there.

"Now" Lily spoke "just be honest with her, she loves you. You're definitely her favourite students and if not" she turned to face Remus "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to use the guilt card though I don't think it will be necessary. If she was going to rat you out (she gagged at the word) she would have done it already. She's smart"

"Good luck" Marlene said, giving Sirius a peck on the check whilst Lily did the same for James.

"Goodbye oh my eternal love" Remus proclaimed, hugging the lamp beside the sofa, kissing it extravagantly both sides, french style.

"Ah Moony, it's ok. We'll find you a girl soon, once we get all this technical mumbo jumbo out of the way" Sirius said

"Technical mumbo jumbo" Lily teased him "or the thing that if it goes wrong could and probably would land you in Azkaban for life?"

"Relax Lils, everything will be fine" James said as he picked Harry up from the chair, hugging him before handing him over to Lily and grabbing a handful of glistening green powder.

James stepped into the flame, yelling "Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall's office" before he disappeared into the jade flames.

Sirius followed him, equally disappearing into the flames.

Remus turned to the girls,
"They'll be fine. I'll make sure of it" He had always felt guilty of the fact that they became Animagus. If they were found out, it would be because of him. Without him, they would never have done it. After all they had done for him, he felt this was his duty, if he could not get them to become legal. He didn't want to think about it. He had to help them. He owed them.


Sirius appeared in McGonagall's office, seeing James sat in front of her desk, a tin of biscuits already open between the two of them. 

"Man, do you have inhuman speed to get them out?" he asked, plonking himself down in his 'usual' chair, though he hadn't sat in it in a few years, McGonagall still thought of it as his chair. After all, he had spent most of his time at Hogwarts sitting in that chair, punishment from one of his many pranks that he had pulled. Though McGonagall always found these pranks rather funny, she had never let it on but she had a sneaking suspicion that they knew, they had always been her favourites even though she wasn't meant to have any. 

"No Mr Black, I do not. I am just prepared. Shall we start?" she asked them, folding her hands inter lap.

"We're waiting for Moony, he wanted to be here too" James spoke from around the biscuit already in his mouth. 

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