Meeting Rachel

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A/N JK Rowling owns all her characters, I just own my Oc's

They had finally got their lives together. Marlene and James had been accepted to the same club, the Chudley Cannons, not their first choice but they were not the worst, they would become the best with Marlene playing and James coaching. Lily was attending Wizarding University, giving Harry to Andromeda and Ed Tonks (Dumbledore had suggested them, Andromeda being the only Slytherin that James trusted, it helped that she was Sirius's cousin and had endured the same rejection as Sirius had because she married a Muggleborn), their daughter Nymphadora loving the job of entertaining Harry, not yet old enough to attend Hogwarts. Her favourite days were when Remus picked Harry up, his Muggle University finishing first that day.

Remus's life was going really well. While people had first judged him for his scars, they had gotten used to it now. He did, however, keep himself to himself, or he tried to. No-one judged him after he had blown up once, but no-one was desperate to be his friend either, no-one apart from Rachel. At first, he had found her annoying, she just wouldn't leave him alone, which was what he wanted. He had the BEST friends anyone could ever want from Hogwarts, he didn't need any at University. But when he got to know her, she was really sweet, he liked her, a lot.


It was a good job she liked him too, because they had been dating for nearly a month and a half now and she wanted to meet his friends that he talked so highly about. Personally, she though that she had been the one to break the shy boy out of his shell, it was her that meant the most to him.

And this was why she had been invited for dinner at Remus's house that night, she was finally going to get to meet 'Lila', 'Pring', 'Moolane' 'Pans' and 'Pringles', at least, that was what she thought they were called. She may have been wondering about why Remus talked about them so much, especially the two girls, she was his boyfriend.


She knocked on the door, her acrylic nails clicking on the door knocker, the first house in the set of flats twenty high. she heard hurried shuffling behind the door, and the sound of another closing. If she had been more aware, she would have heard the sound of objects falling into place, and hurried whispers to "put your wand away", nut alas, she was not.

The door opened in front of her, greeted by Remus's scarred face, a large smile on his face, larger than it had ever been when he looked at her.

Behind him, she could see his flat, plump couches pressed up against one wall, a bookcase and TV set opposite them. He had an array of photographs stuck only the wall and she could have sworn one of them winked at her which was impossible, she must be seeing things. Around the dinner table sat four people, a handsome man with long black hair, another with glasses and two drop-dead-gorgeous women. She was jealous. One had blonde hair the colour of silk cascading down her back in perfect curls, her crystal blue eyes accentuating her natural tones. The other had long amber hair, like a fiery tornado it washed down her back, perfectly straight, her emerald green eyes crinkling as she laughed at something the man with glasses said.

She moved further into the room, Remus taking her coat and offering her a short kiss on the cheek.

"Oi!" Yelled the man with the long hair "Stop making out Moony and introduce us to your friend" he wiggled his eyebrows, making Remus blush bright red.

"We weren't making out" Remus said, taking her hand and leading her to her seat, next to the man with long hair and the empty seat. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Rachel. Rachel, these are my best friends. Lily (the beautiful redhead next to him), James (the one with glasses, sat next to Lily), Marlene (the tall blonde one) and Sirius (the one with the long hair, sitting next to her)"

"So" James started "How did you meet our Moony here?" She was offended that they called him their Moony, also, what was a Moony? And why did they call him that?

"At Uni" she said, waving the question away "But what I want to know is, why do you call him Moony?" The glance that they all made at each other did not go unnoticed by her, she did not like it when people kept secrets from her.

"It's, umm, complicated" Remus said, taking a bite of his food, trying it act nonchalant.


The rest of the night continued similarly, Rachel leaving much earlier than she had planned, severely annoyed with Remus, they had tried to talk to her but she knew there was something they weren't telling her, something major, and she didn't like it.


"Well" said Sirius, always the one to break the silence "she was interesting" he didn't want to offend Remus, after all, she was his girlfriend.

"Mmm" said Lily, she didn't really want to put in any input, Rachel could have been worse. But she was not the girl that Remus had described.

Remus however, was confused. Why was she acting like that? Had she been cursed? Was she jealous? Either way, she was not the lovable cute girl that he had met at University.

A/N Hope you liked it! I really liked writing this one

thanks for reading :)

Elizabeth x

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