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A/N all characters are owned by JK Rowling at this point

The little family of Potters collapsed before the great gates of Hogwarts, all and any adrenaline they had leaving them, the baby no longer crying but staring around in awe at this new and wonderful world.

"Come. Quickly" said Dumbledore as he silently waved his wand at the gates, allowing them passage through into the school grounds which they had come to call home not many years ago.

They hurried up the path, Lily holding tightly to her bag of Harry's possessions as if they were a part of him whilst James supported their baby in his tear-sodden blue pyjamas as the excitement of this new place wore off and tiredness kicked in for the baby.

Dumbledore led them through the halls and to a new corridor that Lily had never seen before (James of course had been down here when making the Marauders Map but never since then as it held nothing special). He led them through a door and into a large room containing a wardrobe, desk, double four-poster and another door which they could only assume led to a bathroom.

By this point Harry's head was resting on James' chest as he fell asleep in his father's arms, exhausted from the night's activities. With a small flick of his wand Dumbledore levitated a piece of parchment from the desk and transfigured it into a cot for Harry to sleep in.

"I shall get you some food from the kitchen as I can only imagine you are quite famished" and with that Dumbledore swept from the room leaving James, Lily and Harry alone in the room.

They started changing Harry out of his wet pyjamas when Lily spoke
"James- I'm just so... what if he'd..." she said as more tears sprouted from her emerald green eyes

"I know Lily, I know.. but we're safe now. He's gone but even if he wasn't and we had to go back under the Fidelus Charm we would be okay because we would use Dumbledore. I can't believe I ever trusted that foul little rat. The nerve of him!" He exclaimed letting a few tears of his own fall into Harry's mop of hair.

Just then Dumbledore reappeared with a platter of food
"I shall let you rest-"

"But Peter! He cant get away with this!" James very nearly yelled, the passion in his voice impossible to match

"Peter?" The old man questioned

"Yes peter! Peter Pettigrew! That little rat! We trusted him! I can't believe we chose him over Sirius! I-"

"So Mr. Black is not your secret keeper then?"

"No!" James exclaimed. Then a though hit him "Sirius! Where is he?"

"He is currently being held in my office. I must admit it was rather confusing when I thought that he was your secret keeper and then he appeared, running into my office in a frenzy speaking about 'James and Lily and Harry... Voldemort' so I sealed him in my office until I could see what was wrong myself and it is very curious indeed."

This time it was Lily who spoke which surprised Dumbledore for she had been silent throughout the whole thing
"Then si-Dumbledore" she cut herself off, so used to being taught by this wizard that his name sounded wrong coming out of her mouth "you need to let him out. It was not him. It was Peter Pettigrew" she spoke the last name with such venom that it seemed impossible to come from the mouth of such a nice woman and mother but a mother's love is stronger than anything and therefore her desire to keep him safe was so powerful that even Dumbledore was shocked.

"I shall release him at once and I assume you want me to bring him here" he commented. This was met with a hearty nod from James and a "yes" from Lily.

"Very well" and with a swish of his cloak he was gone and they could hear his footsteps echoing down the corridor as he walked away.

Then James heard Lily's sweet voice as she rocked their son to sleep

"Hush, little Baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a Phoenix bird.

And if that Phoenix bird don't heal,
Mama's gonna buy you a family seal.

And if that family seal don't stamp,
Mama's gonna buy you a Murtlap .

And if that Murtlap won't help you dear,
Mama's gonna buy you an extending ear.    (ik, ik they're not out but just go with it. It rhymes)

And if that ear don't help you listen,
Mama's gonna buy you a potion that glistens.

And if that potion don't help you more,
Mama's gonna buy you a broomstick to soar.

And if that broomstick break down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."

And finally, after an exhausting night, Harry fell asleep in his mother's arms.

A/N i know extendable ears aren't out yet but please just go with it i literally couldn't find anything else that rhymed. ;)

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