Chpt. 26

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Tuesday, 7th of February, 2018
--> Ella's Chapter <--
Yesterday, me and Harry had met up and we went to Westminster, where he showed me around. I have to admit that I really liked living in London, especially when Harry was showing me around (duh) because, the funny thing was, that he really thought I was just watching him when he explained something because I was really interested in the information.

He had it wrong, I was watching because I was interested in him.

I mean, is it that hard to become interested in him?! First of all, I had been interested in him since I was fourteen years old, secondly, have you seen those lips move when he talks in that deep husky voice?

Little intermezzo in my description I Harry God Styles: why do people use te word "husky"? I mean, it makes me think of those cute huskies they have in Norway! Can somebody explain me te exact definition?!

Okay, so, when he smiles he literally lights up my world like nobody else. And that sexy smirk! I can't even!

Okay, enough fangirling, but you get the picture.

I fancy Harry Styles and I bring this up because I actually think he might like me too.

Okay enough about him, I was planning on walking around London today, spotting celebrities and discovering new shops.

Also, Mila was on the better hand bit she was very silent and didn't say much.

"I'm going out, Mila!" I yelled and Mila made a noise of acknowledge.

I exited the building and found my way to Oxford Street first. After walking for a half an hour I found a cafe, the Hard Rock Cafe. I thought that it was something worthwhile to visit, so I entered and found an empty seat at the bar.

A nice looking girl, I presume she was just a little bit older than me, came to me and asked me if I had made my choice.

"Can I have a white wine please?" I smiled and she nodded, going to search for my wine.

She came back fast and placed my order in front of me.

"Here you go. That'd be 10 pounds please." She smiled again at me and went away when I gave her 10 pounds and a tip, where she of course thanked me for.

Suddenly, I heard the noise of the Macarena coming from my purse, signalling someone was calling me.

"Hello, with Ella?" I answered.

"Ella! It is me, your sister, remember?" Stephanie laughed at the other side of the line.

"I remember, yes." I laughed.

"So, big news here. I have a boyfriend!!" She screamed, making me pull the phone away from my ear to prevent the noise from tearing my eardrums.

"Wow! That is big, indeed! Almost as big as the split of K3." I laughed.

"D'you wanna know his name?!" My sister was still screaming, but I wasn't really listening. I wanted a boyfriend too. In the form of Harry Styles.



I snickered because I found that a funny name. I was in a class once with a Quinten, but I had never heard the name Quintin before.

"Okay, let me think of a ship name." I said when I was done giggling silently.


"Ha. Ha. I gotta go and by the way, before you think he is Ecuadorean, he is not. He is American. Bye!" And ahe hung up on me.

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