Test Pt. 2 (Sophie's PoV)

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A/N Aren't you all happy it's in Sophie's point of view now?

"Are you going to have them awake or sleeping?" I asked Elwin when we strapped the three crazed mind-controlled recruits to chairs. Tam looked unnerved at the growling trio. He appeared to be so jumpy that if anyone snuck up behind him and tapped his shoulder, he'd bolt out of the room in a screaming frantic mess.

Elwin nodded. "Awake. We need to see their eye-color change." I sighed. "Is the antidote a mist or a substance?" I asked, pulling out an eyelash nervously. Marella elbowed me. "Stop doing that," she muttered. I rolled my eyes.

"It's a mist," Elwin explained. "A mix between quintessence and a couple gnomish plants that have been known to- erm- clear the mind." I nodded in understanding.

Elwin held up a spray bottle and spritzed it near their noses. They spluttered, as if choking on the scent. Then their black eyes slowly faded back, flickering between black and their normal eye color.

"Please work, please work, please work," I whispered pleadingly. Marella held my hand tightly, eyes squeezed shut, and Tam had an arm around me reassuringly.

A/N I'm questioning why I have made Tam, Marella, and Sophie a trio or something.

Then their eye color fixated to their normal blues. I gasped in relief to see Keefe's snarky ice-blue eyes and Biana's sparkling teal eyes. Pailin's eyes were a paler ice-blue than Keefe's. Felona immediately ran over and hugged Pailin. "I missed you so much!" she squealed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pailin gave her an uneasy smile. Marella ran up to Biana, clasping her hand tightly. Dex inspected Keefe warily.

"Are they cured?" I asked Elwin. He flashed a ball of light around them. "It appears so," he said with a grin on his face. I rushed up to hug Keefe. He had the actual nerve to smirk. "Hey Foster," he said, but his eyes didn't have the same message. They seemed sad, broken.

I ruffled his tousled blond hair. "You idiot," I mumbled. He shrugged. "Wasn't my fault my mom went, oh, why don't I mind control about half of Foxfire, including my son and his girlfriend!" he mimicked Lady Gisela.

"It's not really something to joke about," Tam remarked, pointing to his bandaged shoulder. Keefe grimaced. "Yeah, I remember that. It was gross." Tam rolled his eyes. "You think?!"

"You remember what happened?" Felona asked, extracting herself from Pailin's hands. Pailin nodded. "Everything. I- I hurt you," he said, his voice low and gravelly. He pointed to Felona's wrist, which was in a small bandage.

Elwin cleared his throat. "Ahem, we still need to run a few tests. Would everyone other than Keefe, Biana, and Pailin go back to Everglen? I need to consult Livvy on a few things." I nodded, raising my leaping crystal and light-leaping back to Everglen.

A/N Yes, I know it was an abrupt ending, but it's a Pt. 2 and I'm ready to finally write soooooooooooooooooo yes. Second, the ending is coming... slowly yet surely

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