Solution Pt. 2 (Sophie's PoV)

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Mr. Forkle led me to a bare empty room, shuffling his feet on the floor quietly. "So. I heard you went to the matchmakers. You're unmatchable?" he asked. I nodded, feeling my eyes wet with tears. I blinked them back furiously.

Mr. Forkle paused for a moment. "I may be able to get you one matchmaking scroll," he admitted quietly. I immediately perked my head up. "Really?!" He nodded almost hesitantly.

"Have your friends go ahead and get your matchmaking lists," Mr. Forkle said. "I'll get you your matchmaking list, so it should arrive around the same time, as I'm guessing Biana was hoping for that." I rolled my eyes. "Of course," I muttered.

I walked out of the room feeling very, very triumphant. "What happened?" Tam and Biana asked at the same time in sync. I grinned. "He said he could get me one matchmaking list. But I... don't know how he's going to do it."

Everyone yelled in excitement except Tam. He was just slightly smiling and, surprisingly, hugged me lightly. I felt my cheeks grow somewhat warm, recalling what Keefe had said this morning.

"He also said to... order your matchmaking lists, too," I announced regretfully. Biana squealed. "YES YES WE'RE DOING THAT!" She shoved everyone and they all grudgingly agreed. Tam groaned.

And cue another trip to Atlantis, a trip up a geyser whirlpool thing, and back we were to Everglen. "How- how many times have we been to Atlan- Atlantis this we- week?" I panted. I bent down, my hands on my knees. "Uh... five times?" Fitz guessed.

I sighed. "When do we get the matchmaking lists?" I asked. Biana counted off her fingers. "In about three days."

I'd figure out who would be on my matchmaking list in three days.

A/N Short chapter update because it's the continuation to the last one... yeah that's how half chapters will work.

Second A/N I might starting an Eternal Conflict x Percy Jackson crossover fanfiction. (chances are... you probably don't know what Eternal Conflict is. It's a Minecraft Animation Series so if you're into that sort of thing go on YouTube and search up ZNathan Animations.) It won't be published for a little while (if it even is...) because I still need to figure the plot out. 

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