A Slight Delay

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There'd been little to no talk between you and the Commander since what happened on Catonica.

Though, wasn't this always how things started between you two?

After your sudden declaration, and not so subtle suggestion for him to return you back to Hux, he didn't really care to hear you speak. In fact, he barely summoned you out of your room. Maybe it was his cheap attempt to have you rethink your decision and pick him, the clear better choice as he viewed it.

But no matter how much time he gave you to sit and think, you did the opposite. All that time alone gave you more of a chance to reaffirm what you already believed. You knew being with the Commander wasn't good, regardless of how good he made you feel. He was a monster, he showed you that side of him without wanting to. If he could kill Adora out of "the goodness of his heart," what's to say he couldn't do the same to you?

The room felt like it was spinning, and sweat started to roll down your face from your forehead. That was a hard theory to believe, and even harder to choke down. There was no way something like that could happen, especially since he showed such strong feelings for you. Not to mention the fact Hux did as well. It would be ludicrous for him to kill you now. If he wanted to, he would have already. You'd just keep telling yourself that as you sat alone in your chambers. It was the only thing that could keep you in a state of sanity. But having that ability to sit and think without interruption was always a privilege that could be revoked at any time.

Especially when your darling Commander was knocking at your door.

Your body jolted at the thunderous pounds that erupted against the metal. It was enough to send a shock wave throughout the entire shuttle. You stared at the door with anticipation, but nothing happened. "What is he doing?" You thought. "He knows he can open the door on his own, does he want me to open it myself?"

You kept waiting, eyes unmoving from the door, but nothing happened. Eventually, the build-up was too much, so you walked over to the large metal frame, and with a deep breath, pulled it open.

"Took you long enough."

"You know you can open the door on your own," you muttered, stepping to the side as he ducked under the arch to enter your room.

He looked around for a brief moment before turning back towards you. "It's better when you let me in," he proclaimed. "Makes me feel like less of an ass."

Shocking. Never thought he'd care about something like that.

The Commander glared at you from over his shoulder. It was telltale by the expression on your face that you'd rather not talk right now, or rather anytime soon.

"Are you sure you want to go back?"

Your tongue locked between your teeth, and the slight taste of iron blood-filled your mouth. "Shit, does he really have to do this now?" Your lips swiped your tongue under itself, trying to get the bleeding to stop. The look on his face was enough to show he was getting impatient with you, but the words wouldn't form themselves in your mind.

The short answer was simply, yes. You wanted to go back and get away from the life of the Commander which was far too much for you to handle.

However, you didn't want to go back to normalcy. The same, boring day, repeating over and over until the end of time. You didn't feel important there, and how could you? The only task you ever truly did was follow Hux around like a lost puppy and offer him moral support when he got picked on by an Officer who was a lot bigger than him in anything but title.

"See?" He protested. "If you can't even give yourself an answer, why did you even attempt to give me one?"

Your eyes fell to the floor, locking onto the metal as if it was a magnet and your pupils were its twin. He was right. You didn't want to admit it at all, but he was right. You didn't know what you wanted, but you knew this was too much for you. Right now, you knew you needed a break. The smallest bit of time to collect your thoughts and go from there, but he-

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