Your Precious Savior

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It was hard to keep pace with Kylo as he trailed down the halls, his cape dancing at his side almost as if he was walking on air.

Hux stayed close by your side, monitoring your every move to see if there were any cracks in the system. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to ask what Kylo had said to you. He wanted to know every intimate detail of his connection to you and why he was so persistent in having you at his disposal, but Hux would never be brave enough to ask. Instead he'd remain silent as he tried to read your mind as Kylo did, though no matter how hard Hux tried he would never succeed.

The landing bay was a mess. Troopers were springing to their stations as quickly as possible, clearly unprepared for the journey about to be made to Jakku. If successful here, the war could finally be over with the First Order as the rulers of all life in every galaxy. All the soldiers, every member of this mission knew that years of pain and suffering could finally end here, and you had a front row seat to it all.

Two troopers walked towards you in synch, while one trailed behind them, trying to catch up as best he could. Kylo scoffed at the sight, giving Hux a glare before heading towards the ship. Hux gulped down his rage, and signaled for the there troopers to follow behind him, this time all in synch. You trailed by Hux's side unable to get the sense that someone was watching you off your back. Your shoulders burned as if someone had lit your clothes on fire, but whenever your vision turned to behind you there was no one but the troopers remaining a respectable distance away.

Kylo stood at the entrance of his shuttle, staring at the polished black metal. He went to speak when suddenly he was taken aback from the machinery. Hux took a step towards him in alert, almost as if he wanted to comfort Kylo.

"Ren, what is it?" Hux asked with deep urgency in his voice.

Kylo looked back in your direction, but his eyes didn't meet yours. It was at the three stormtroopers who now stood behind you. "Send your solider down to Jakku," Kylo asserted firmly. "We will stay and monitor them from here until the droid is located."

Hux nodded slowly, his face showing new levels of concern with Kylo's safety and overall mental well-being. "Very well," Hux said as he stepped back from Kylo's side. "Head back to the control room, Cadet. The Commander and I will meet you there shortly."

You took in a deep breath and nodded, though heavily disappointed with your now lack of front row seat to the end of the war. You pushed past one of the troopers as you headed across the bay, still feeling that burning sensation on your back. Many people and droids darted past you in a panic trying to prepare for this mission. Searching a dump of a planet for one droid was not an easy task, so for Kylo to suddenly not want direct involvement with the project was shocking.

The halls became empty, as most everyone on board was now on the bay loading ships or preparing themselves for takeoff. You kept looking behind you hoping to see Kylo or Hux close behind, but neither were in sight. Every now and then the hot feeling against your shoulder blades would return, causing your stomach to feel incredibly uneasy.

You turned the corner to the control room when an immense force pushed into your side, forcing you into a darkened hallway. You went to scream or fight back but a cloth was placed inside your mouth and around the back of your head before you could get a word out. Two hands pressed your arms together and behind your back, pinned against the wall.

A stormtrooper now stood in front of you, their breath hot and angry through the voice box of the mask. Your eyes widened in terror as tears began to form. Your legs and arms tried to break free, but they had you in the tightest lock imaginable. It felt tighter than Kylo's force grip.

"Stop struggling, that will only make it worse," the trooper said, the voice now identifiable as a man's, so raspy and hate-filled.

Your eyes darted all around the hallway, trying to look for any way out of this situation. "Oh please, no one is coming to help you. I made sure of that." The more the trooper spoke, the more you began to realize that this wasn't a stormtrooper in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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