An Explanation

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Your body heaved against the cold metal behind you, lungs attempting to catch breaths in between gasps for air.

This whole time you had thought Kylo had met you by mere circumstance. He had started such a sick and twisted relationship with you simply because he felt like it.

Now, all of that had be disproven.

He had seen you, felt you in someway, and had needed you all to himself. How could you have been so stupid? Things happened with him so alarmingly fast, the signs had all been there from the start. You were just too naive to see it.

The first time you two met, actually met, you were nearly naked in a washroom as he studied your body inch by inch. Then, he pressed you up against a wall and pressed his length into you. He had shown you there that he wanted something from you, but you had so foolishly thought it was just because of what happened in the washroom.

Maybe you tried to excuse it as his cheap attempt to belittle Hux. That seemed reasonable enough at the time. But looking back on it all now, how? How?! How could you not have opened your eyes and seen him for what he really was?

"A monster?"

You kept your gaze at the floor, head buried in between your knees, hands fighting at your face to wipe away the tears.

Kylo stood over you, his voice distinct enough to tell apart from anyone's. "You think I'm a monster, is that it?" He said bluntly, almost as if he didn't think you had a right to think any wrong of him.

"You're acting like I don't have a reason to think that."

"You don't," he responded shortly. Your tears had melted away. Your body only festered anger now, deep-rooted hatred for the sociopath standing in front of you.

You scoffed. "Get away from me," you insisted.

He didn't. His body stayed firm in its place. "You don't care to hear my explanation?"

"I don't care to hear your excuses," you protested.

Kylo took in a deep breath, his eyes scanning the hallways to ensure no one else stumbled upon this sight. If anyone saw this, it would ruin you both, him more so than you. He didn't show sympathy, or really any care for anyone. If you had been anyone else, he would've stomped your face into the metal floor and spat upon the blood-stained mess you now remained. Maybe you did need to hear his reasoning, for you'd never be able to figure it out on your own.

"Okay," you sniffled, wiping the wetness of your face to at least attempt to look at him. "I want to know. Why did you do all this? Why me?"

Another sigh slipped past his lips. "I remember the day we received the beacon, from your village."

"Jesus christ. It goes all the way back to then?"

"I'm not proud of it," he stuttered, hating every bit of sincerity he was now showing you. "But I remember the beacon, that last cry for help. We had troops not far from there, and when I saw there were raiders in the area, I sent them to snuff them out."

So it wasn't all because of you, at least it wasn't from the very beginning.

"They sent back word of a single survivor, the one who sent the alert. Once the raiders were slaughtered, I asked they bring him back to keep under the Orders rule as a solider, but when they told me it was a girl who had survived, something hit me deep within my being. Hux was with me, we both agreed she would fair well to work for either one of us. Your hatred for the Resistance would blossom, making you perfectly suited to work under the two who hated it more than anything." He looked at you for some nod of approval, but you kept your head pointed at the ground, your face still not suitable to look at him yet. You didn't want him to see how much he had hurt you, how much he had scared you.

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