Dead To Me

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"What am I supposed to say to him?"

You sat in the co-pilot's seat of the Command Shuttle, nervously biting your fingernails as you grew closer to the Finalizer, the ship finally showing up on the radar.

"There's no need to panic," Kylo insisted. He'd been trying to get you to calm down for over an hour now. "Hux is not going to force you to speak to him."

You let out a deep sigh. "I know, but you don't think he's not going to be a little disappointed that I left him for you?"

He paused for a brief moment. "I didn't give you a choice on the matter, I didn't give him one either."

Another deep sigh. Though he was right, you still felt guilty, like you had betrayed Hux and completely broken the bond you two had once had. You knew he'd never dream about replacing you with someone else, so how was it fair for you to do the same to him?

It wasn't. You knew it wasn't, and Hux certainly did too. But now, after everything that happened yesterday, it wasn't fair for you to leave Kylo either. After waiting since the first second you met him, he finally found that perfect moment. Maybe it was his idea of truly making you his in a way Hux never could, that's what made the most sense to you. But regardless of the motive, it was something neither of you could take back. Not to mention that now it had been started, you were praying there'd never be an end to it.

"Ideally, we won't be here long," he added, disrupting your train of thought. "Unless, there's more to this than your need to calm yourself."

You shook your head, the anxiety building in your body was becoming too much for you to speak. That helping you now more than hurting you, for if Kylo thought for even a second that you were lying about your onetime, he'd never let you go back. Especially if he believed you wouldn't eventually leave with him.

Your body was slowly starting to calm itself down when, of course, an alarm went off by the message receptors. You could tell by the frequency that it was coming from the Finalizer.

It was coming from... home.

You reached to answer it, but Kylo stepped in front of you, hiding you from the hologram's view. His finger slowly hovered over the button. It was hard to tell if he was bracing himself for it, or he simply didn't want to take it.

He finally picked it up, and a blue, transparent imagine of General Hux presented itself above the communication pad. You took a step back, gulping at the sight of him. His eyes were the most noticeable difference. They were so much more sunken in than before, and they had lost their once vibrant shade of blue.

"Why the sudden distress call, General Hux?" He asked annoyedly. You never were able to wrap your head around why the Supreme Leader made these two work together. They had no connection or respect for one another. Not to mention the fact they were put in constant competition.

Kylo turned around to face you, staring at your body coldly. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, not understanding what brought on this unnecessary attention.   

"Ren," Hux barked, seeing that his gaze had been directed onto something else, and not the issue at hand. "We've tracked the missing piece to the Inner Rim, and we need you back to retrieve it."

A slight smile crept across your face, watching as Kylo slowly turned his head to face Hux once again.

The last piece.

Finally, everything the First Order had worked so hard for, everything the Commander had worked for, was finally going to pay off. Without the last Jedi, hope would be snuffed out of the rebellion. The war would be over. You turned to Kylo, expecting to see the same reaction upon his face, but that was hardly the case. His lips were hardened, not so much as a slip of a smile peering through them. His eyes were sunken in and cold, little to no colors showing through his iris. The more you looked at him, the less and less he began to look like himself. This was hardly the reaction you were expecting, and it scared the shit out of you.

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