Make Your Choice

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A warm, bright light began to engulf your eyes, forcing you out of your deep, hibernate-like sleep. It felt so good to get a full night's sleep without so much as a speck of a nightmare, yet, it worried you. It would be a lie to say the Commander didn't have a part in helping drive them away from your slumber, so when you inevitably left him, they'd return. Another cheap tactic he has probably schemed to make sure you wouldn't leave, as he knew how much you dreaded sleep, and seeing those faces and hearing those cries ring out across your mind every single night.

You outstretched your arms and legs, allowing blood circulation to return to certain areas of your body it had not reached in your slumber. It felt strange to wake up in such a foreign and cramped location, whenever your eyes opened you had expected to see the Finalizer, your old room, but it wasn't there. Instead, you were in a small, cramped, and crowded bunk, with quite possibly the most uncomfortable mattress you ever had the displeasure of sleeping upon. But, today you would return to your home, repairing the much-needed damages the shuttle had endured from yesterday's run-ins with the Resistance flyers. There was fear in your soul for going back and seeing Hux again, having to look him in the eyes after everything that had happened between you and Commander Ren. He would be totally clueless, unaware of the whoreish acts you had done to the Commander, you couldn't even imagine how he would react if he knew, how it would break him.

You reapplied your uniform, trying your best to mask the unfortunate amount of wrinkles it had gathered due to the insensitive way you threw it onto the ground the night before. Days were long and tiring here, especially since all you did was checking files and billing notices. Your hair was rather puffy and uncontrollable, probably since you hadn't been able to shower in longer than you like to. The brush placed on the nightstand by your bed didn't even look like it would get the job done, so you tried your best to put your tangled mess into a braid that laid plainly on your left shoulder.

The two troopers that were aboard the shuttle alongside you and Commander Ren were standing outside the cockpit, looking more unsettled than usual. "Is there an issue?" You asked them curiously. They both glanced off to the side, refusing to speak, but their signal allowed your gaze to shift from them to the door. You pressed your ear up against the cold frame, hearing very faintly through the thick metal a strong voice in a rather heated argument. "That would be the Commander," you thought as you pulled away from the door, staring at the troopers for some sort of instruction or answers. They didn't look back at you, instead of keeping their gaze on anything but yourself. You let out a heavy sigh as you pressed your ear up against it once more, trying to hear exactly who he was talking to, and what he was saying. His voice was still faint, despite the fact he was screaming, but you manage to catch a few words of what orders were flying off his tongue.

"She's going to remain under my direct authority," Commander Ren ordered, his voice cross and agitated.

"You're a fool if you think she'll pick you over me," the voice on the other line responded. You could instantly tell it was Hux just by the poshness in his voice. "When she returns to the Finalizer, I will speak to her and see what she would prefer to do, and she will want to remain at my side," Hux continued proudly. There was a long period of nothing, just plain silence. You pressed your ear up against the door harder, trying to hear if maybe the Commander was breathing heavily, showing any signs of life. The door flung open, sending you falling into the cockpit flat onto your face. You peeled yourself up off of the floor, staring up at the Commander with a rather concerned look.

The light from the ship's panel glowed against his mask, reflecting off the charcoal black frame of it ever so nicely. "Eavesdropping, were we?" He asked sternly.

You gulped, trying your best to not look incredibly guilty or suspicious, though it was hard to get that expression off your face. "Uh, no sir," you finally responded. "I was just waiting outside for you to let me in."

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