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The minutes bled into hours as you sat patiently outside the door to what Adonis called "Adoras' chambers." He only referred to it by that name because it was where she spent most of her time under his cruel whip and torturous ways. Sick bastard. What gave him the right to say something so inhumane with a smile on his face? She was so much more than just how he saw her. He viewed her as nothing more than an object, but she had a beating heart, lungs that took in such sharp bits of air every time he came close to her. It wrenched your stomach just to think of.

You had hope that the Commander would be able to lie about the punishment. To say he did it when he hadn't. But, Adonis insisted on watching him do his work. You weren't allowed in the room, but you wouldn't have wanted to. To see the harm he could do to someone, to watch his animalistic side come out unfiltered. You would've run back to Hux faster than humanly comprehensible.

There wasn't any noise coming through the crack under the door, but you doubted the chamber was right behind that entrance. It most likely led to some staircase down into a mildew-covered basement, adorned with metal chains hanging from the walls. Adora would be there strapped to the wall, bloody and broken as tears streamed down her face. Her eyes would drift up every now and then, locking eyes with your Commanders'. He would look back down at her without so much as a hint of remorse or regret. He'd look at her the same way Adonis did, and she'd simply bow her head back down to her folded knees and prepare for the next lash.

Take deep breaths, that's all you could do for now. It wasn't easy to sit and dwell on all the horrible things that could be happening behind that door; But hell, it was all your fault. If you hadn't tried to get Adora to run away, none of this would've happened.

How could you be so selfish? You knew what would happen if she ever got caught, and how could you even begin to blame her? There was no possible way you could even imagine the horrors she'd been through and the ones she'd endure.

But Gods, why'd your Commander have to be the one to do it?

A flicker of light caught your eye, and a quiet rickety noise followed behind it. You turned to face the place Adonis and the Commander had entered a few hours ago, Adora on a leash being dragged behind them. Your body shuddered, watching as the door slowly creaked open, dim light filtering into the now dark hallway. It must've been long past sunset, as the moon was now directly above your head. Your body jolted awake. Despite the fact you were exhausted, your brain overtook that drowsiness. Adonis emerged first, face caked in dried sweat, yet his outfit was untouched. A wave of relief tried to wipe over your body after seeing how in-tact he was, but that feeling was ripped away from you after seeing the Commander come out behind him. His face was a pale white, almost as if he'd seen death in its flesh. You took a step back from him, looking in horror as his eyes stayed unmoving on the floor. His body was shaking, a reaction you'd never seen from him before. You wanted to speak, but what could you even say? Your vision shifted to behind him, and that's when you knew what needed to be said.

"Where's Adora?"

"Well, Ren. I suppose you will reimburse me for the damages done, correct?" Adonis pushed back his hair into a more kept manner. Your mouth went dry. Damages? What could he even mean by that? How was he able to say it in such a calm manner, so nonchalantly. Even worse, why did the Commander look like he was going to be sick?

"We'll discuss this later," Commander Ren stated. His voice was hurried and shaky. You could tell he wanted out of this situation, but his body was so heavy. Something was weighing him down here, almost as if there was unfinished business here. "We're leaving, now." He grabbed you by the side of your arm, ready to rip you down the hallway, but he stopped again. You peered around the side of his body to see him staring at the doorway. His eyes were unmoving on the door, not shifting gaze from the entrance for even a moment. You didn't know what he was looking at, but you could guess it was the same as you were. He wasn't looking at the door, he was looking for the person who should be walking out of it.

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