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You looked down at the monstrous stack of papers that had just been flopped onto your desk. Then, your eyes shifted to the Commander, staring up at him wide-eyed.

"What is all this?" You asked curiously, hoping for it to be some sick joke.

He huffed, turning away from you as he headed back to the doorway. "Paperwork," he bluntly stated as he made contact with the panel, opening the door to his quarters. "That's your assignment."

Before you could find out any more information, Commander Ren was out of the room, the door hissing closed behind him. You sat there in disbelief, angered there was not even so much as a hello from him. There had been little to no talking between you and the Commander since what went down in his chambers yesterday. He insisted there was a vast amount of work to do on the base, so your instruction was now to apparently sit mindlessly in his quarters, and do nothing but endless hours of paperwork. For a guy who seemed to get nothing done, he had a lot of requests that needed to be filled. Billings, meetings, and schedules he barely tried to follow.

One task after another, you tried to make quick work of the thick wadded stack he had slapped in front of your face, but it was nearly impossible. You'd been in a dozen or so calls with the barons across the star systems, trying to set up times for the Commander to personally meet with them. None of them liked to cooperate, being more concerned with the color of the underwear you were wearing, and whether or not their trim was made from lace.

It was terrible, the most horrid work you had ever done, and you used to mop the floors when Hux couldn't find a cleaner. You frowned, looking out the large window on the opposite end of the room, looking out into the vast galaxy. You two hadn't been separated for this long, and it was somewhat strange, but you missed him. Not in an unprofessional way, but he not only had become your boss, but also a good friend. He must be so concerned, having you so far away with such a tyrant. Oh, how disappointed he would be if he knew what you did, and what more you wanted to do.

You looked back at the stack of papers, finally seeing there was a noticeable dent. Then looking to a nearby clock, it became known that the day had already passed. You didn't know if you were meant to take that break, or if you were supposed to stop when the pile was complete, but you needed any form of shut-eye you could get. You assumed some other planets would be nearing their time of rest as well, so, was there really a point in continuing to call? You weren't quite sure. Time zones were the last thing you paid attention to at the Academy. Besides, a soft, fluffy rug at the foot of the Commanders' bed frame looked so warm and welcoming.

You pulled yourself out of the hard, metal chair you had spent several hours in. Every bone in your body cracking as you flopped onto the rug, burrowing your head in the cushioned fabric. The clock would strike again in a few hours, signaling the time of rest for the other rotation. That noise would cause you to wake up, you hoped. It was awkward enough the last time Commander Ren had caught you sleeping on the job, you didn't want that to happen again.

"Come home."

A loud crash came from behind you, throwing you out of your deep encasement. The sudden pain-filled screams erupted after dozens of firings went off, sounding like the ones from blasters. You groggily pulled yourself up from the cold ground, a sudden, sharp current writhing through your skull. It sent you stumbling onto a nearby tree, gripping onto the peeling bark. The echoing noise of thunderous footsteps were heard approaching you. Out of fear and sheer panic, you ducked behind the tree, hoping whatever monster was charging would not be able to sense your presence.

Through the view from behind the tall oak, a dark, menacing figure presented itself on the back of a horrid beast, staring in the direction of the village, just beyond where you were hidden. With the crack of a whip, the beast reared its head back, howling as it began to charge again in the direction of the village, home.

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