Following Orders

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The minutes bled into hours as you impatiently waited for the stormtroopers to finish handling things on the ground. There was nothing but fire, dust, and absolute chaos visible to your gaze from the cockpit. Yet, you could not have been more bored. Of course, Commander Ren made absolutely no attempt to start any form of conversation. Instead, he sat perfectly mute in his seat, watching the violence conspire down below.

You felt guilty for constantly staring at him. One hand pressed up against the side of your face, supporting your head and neck, just to do nothing but study every part of his body. The way his chest heaved with every slow breath he took was mesmerizing, completely and utterly captivating. You wanted to speak to him, have any sort of communication, but he seemed to despise talking to you, or at the very least, despise hearing your voice. That was the worst part about it all, the mixed signals he constantly threw your way, and how he made you question every little thing.

Commander Ren suddenly engaged the ships thrusters, not giving any sort of explanation or instruction. He shot the shuttle down to the village, carefully maneuvering it over the sand dunes, and through the smog and smoke below. The ship slowly lowered itself onto the course ground below, at the very center of the others.

"You will not leave your seat. Is that understood?" Commander Ren demanded as he headed for the exit of the cockpit. His voice punctured your lungs, stabbing at every part of your soul. It hurt to hear him snap at you, the words rippling off his tongue like small knives, unrelentingly digging into wherever his gaze was placed.

You spun around in your chair, now gazing up at him. "I wasn't planning on it, sir," you responded calmly, trying to not show your obvious hatred for the tone of his voice.

Commander Ren let out another sharp, agitated huff before he stormed out of the cockpit, the door slamming behind him. You couldn't help but stare at the way his cape swayed as he moved, how it would brush over his shoulder with ever alternating step, revealing his broad shoulders and muscular physique. You smacked yourself square in the forehead as more sinful thoughts of the Commander flooded your mind, a small droplet of drool slipping through your lips. Those had to go away, or working aboard the same ship as him was going to become nearly impossible.

It seemed to be hours that you were stuck on board the shuttle, though it was probably only a couple minutes. You kept fidgeting in your seat, staring at the door in hope it would finally open to reveal the Commander, carrying on some prisoner, his breath panting as he carries himself onto the cockpit. His tired and aching body flopping into his seat, chest heaving as he took in any air he could. Your mind fluttered into thoughts of him calling you to him, making you tend to his wounds. The thought of pulling of his shirt to reveal finely chiseled muscles, then reaching for his helmet-

You slapped yourself in the face again, using that as a way to punish yourself for the thoughts and fantasies. It was beyond fucked up that you had such a strong craving for him, when all that came out of your mouth when he was around was berating insults, and the same flew from his own. He even said it himself, he didn't like you. Yet, he too must have a fair amount of pleasurable thoughts that fill his own mind, as he had acted on a few of them before. The only logical solution to stopping those strong emotions was getting away from the Commander, but it didn't look like that would be happening anytime soon.

A horrid hissing sound came from the back of the shuttle, the recognizable sound the door made when they were opened. You jumped out of your seat, running to the doorway and hurriedly opening it to see the two stormtroopers who accompanied you on board, but with no Commander. You looked at them for some answers, but they just shook their heads, pointing towards the cockpit. The fools didn't speak unless spoken to, but you doubted they were trained to answer to the likes of you.

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