Not Who He Was

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There was a loud knock on your door.

It had been two days of you sitting in your bed writhing in agony and your one filth. Two days of neither Kylo or Hux sending for you, or even wondering where you were, until this knock on the door.

You slowly pulled yourself out of bed. running your hands through your hair in a small attempt to make yourself a little more presentable. You looked like you had been hibernating for months, and yet also like you hadn't slept in years. Your hand pressed the panel to open the door, your droopy eyes barely staying open as you waited for the panel to slide into the wall.


"And hello to you too," Atticus jeered as he pushed past you and in your room.

You rolled your eyes and turned back away from the door, it slowly shutting behind you. "Atticus, I was asking why are you here?"

He was completely ignoring what you had to say, and instead paced around the room staring at every piece of garbage or clutter. "Hux wasn't kidding when he said I'd find you like this."

Your mouth ran dry, a burning sensation stoning in the back of your throat. "He said what?" You hissed, your eye twitching with rage.

Atticus turned back towards you, sending by the sound of your voice that he had said something he shouldn't have. "Hux told me about what happened, and why he's let you stay here and recover." He approached you slowly, reaching his hand out slowly to cup the side of your face. You tried to fight against his pull, but he turned you so he could stare along your cheek and neck. "I didn't think the mark would last this long but, it was enough to slightly swell it."

You shoved his hand off of you. "It was an accident," you insisted. "Ren did something stupid, but I handled it. I'm surprised Hux didn't tell you that-"

"Hux told me he demanded you leave and that he hasn't seen you for two days since then," Atticus yelled, throwing you off you attempt to try and defend Kylo. Gods why were you even trying to do that? He hit you, and there wasn't an excuse for that. You had been in been for days to lost and hurt by what happened then and after, and he never even cared to apologize.

Atticus took you in his hands again, running his fingers through your hair. "Why didn't you find me? I would've taken care of him."

You shook your head, letting him continue to hold you despite your visible distaste for it. "What were you going to do, Atticus? Realistically, you think you could take him?"

Atticus looked away for a moment, pretty much giving you the answer you expected. He was around Kylo's age, maybe a few years older, but Kylo had the force. Atticus was incredibly skilled in combat but nothing could beat the force, it was far too powerful.

"No, I probably couldn't," he finally answered. "But for you, I'd still try."

You pushed him off of you again as you walked towards the door. "Atticus, please don't do this to me right now," you whined, gesturing to the door in an effort to get him to leave. "I just can't- I can't do this."

The world around you began to get blurry as tears filled up in your eyes. You tried to wipe them away as fast as you could, looking up at the lights hoping for them to dry up. Atticus came rushing towards you, resting his hands on you as he pulled you in closer to your chest. You tried to fight back the tears but as he embraced you with his warm body, more began to fall from yours eyes until you were a sobbing mess in his arms.

You didn't really even know why you were sad. It could've been because Kylo hit you, or because he fucked you and left you like you were nothing, or maybe because Hux wasn't even strong enough to come check on you himself, and he had to send Atticus.

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