Chapter 38

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"It's been four hours," North growled as he tossed his phone down on to the table and tried picking up the controller for the game that was on pause.

"It isn't something she will take lightly," Silas said softly. "This is a huge thing for her. We have to be patient and can't try to sway her or her flight response will override her thinking things through."

"I know" North sighed and took a deep breath then let it out slowly. "I just don't want to lose her."

Ivy slide down to the floor and leaned against her doorframe as she kept listening to them. She was originally coming out to get something to eat but froze when she heard them talking.

"In the first time in so long I'm excited to come home," North sighed again. "Don't get me wrong, I love all of you but I can't stop wondering what Roxas learned that day or watching his face light up when he works on something with us and watching Baby's soft smile when she's listening to him. Her looks of appreciation when we do something so small for her but she makes it seem like we just moved the earth for her or Roxas. I want her to look at us like that all the time."

"Da she perfect for us," Raven growled. "Roxas too."

"They definitely are something if the two of you can agree on the same thing," Silas said softly. They both glared at him and he chuckled, "You two know you have a love hate relationship so don't even. Besides we know she is special if she hold a special part of all of our hearts. She doesn't show favoritism aside from minor things like going to Lucian for sweets and me for cuddles and wanting to be read to from Kota. She searches for you two and Nathan for safety and Mr. B for knowledge. You see where I'm going with this. Anyway, other than that she doesn't play favoritism and tries to make sure there is no jealousy amongst us. She tries to remain equal and that is saying something when most women who try to separate us, she tries to keep us together. If she could just overcome her fear of rejection and hurt of her past, I think she would be open to learning what love really is and she would blossom and thrive in it. I have a feeling with our gentle and PATIENCE guidance and assistance she will be able to overcome everything she has had to endure but it will ultimately be up to her."

She slowly and quietly stood. She wanted to know what it would be like to not be afraid all the time but she didn't know if she could. She really wanted to but her mind wouldn't stop screaming what ifs.

"Momma!" Roxas screamed as he rushed up the porch and flung the door open.

She came out onto the top of the stairs and smiled, "Where's the fire kiddo?"

Roxas flew up the stairs and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I woke up and you weren't there."

She smiled softly, "I'm sorry I really had the urge to paint. North, Raven, and Silas brought me over here so I wouldn't tire myself out. Let me get cleaned up and I will come back over, I'm a bit hungry."

"Okay, Chinese sound good to you?" he asked and she beamed.

"That sounds perfect," She kissed the top of his head.

"I'll put your stuff away," Silas said softly as he came over to them. "North and Raven can take you back. I'm sure Gabe has something to help with the paint on your face," he tapped her nose and she blushed softly. She looked away and North forced himself not to smirk when he saw her blush.

They left and Silas headed to her studio. The door was open but he never heard it creak like it does when she opens it and he knew it was closed when they first brought her over. When did she open it and how had he not heard it? He started to cross the threshold when he noticed some of her paint on the doorframe and a couple of droplets on the floor. He knelt and looked at them closer to make sure they were shades that matched her face and hands. The smears on the frame and the droplets made it seem like she slid to sit against the frame with her back against it. Her one shoe print in paint made him think she sat against the frame and had one foot laid out and the other bent with her arm resting on it, which would explain the paint droplets. Had she been listening in on their conversation right before Roxas arrived? If so, what did that mean when it came to her thinking things through?

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