Chapter 36

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"Oy Trouble, time to fucking wake up," Gabe whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair to help her slowly wake up in comfort. She started to move and winced as her chest screamed and erupted in pain. "Easy Trouble," he said as he helped her slowly sit up. "I've got your fucking pain medicine downstairs with your breakfast and Luke is making you some hot chocolate."

"Oh yummy," She mumbled then yawned. "It's too damn early."

Gabe chuckled. "We have lots to fucking do today."

"Okay," She mumbled as she closed her eyes again. Gabe chuckled and picked her up then carried her to the bathroom so she could do her morning routine. He waited outside and once she was done, he carried her downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning Cupcake," Luke smiled as Gabe sat her in Nathan's lap. Luke sat the plate of breakfast in front of her then brought over her hot chocolate. "Enjoy."

"Thank you Luke," She smiled softly as she picked up a piece of toast and began nibbling on it.

"You have to eat more than that so your medicine doesn't upset your stomach, Peanut," Nathan said softly as he held her close.

"I'll try," She said softly.

A few minutes later the rest of the team came downstairs and each took their turn kissing her softly on her forehead then telling her good morning.

Just as they start making their plates Roxas comes barreling down the stairs. "Hey Birthday boy!" Ivy beams as she hugs him tightly. She kissed the top of his head and he giggles.

"Morning Momma," Roxas beams as he hugs her tightly. "Can you believe I'm now 8?"

"Trust me, it's hard to believe," She smiles softly and shakes her head. "You are growing up way too fast. I want my baby boy back."

Roxas laughs, "I will always be your baby Momma."

"Good," she smiles softly and hugs him again. "Now go eat some breakfast."

Roxas nodded, kissed her cheek, then went to sit down. After breakfast she smiled up at Roxas, "I want you to go to my room, on the nightstand is a blue box. Go get it and bring it here, along with my phone please kiddo." Roxas took off upstairs then came back a few minutes later. "This was once Oma's and Papa's. They wanted you to have it one day. I think you are ready for it." She said as she recorded.

Roxas opened the box and pulled out a mirror with painting on it, along with a pocket knife. "Oh Momma," he gasped. "Oma painted this?" She nodded and he gently touched it then picked up the pocket knife. "This was Papa's, I remember his always having it."

"Yes," She said softly. "They both wanted to give them to you eventually when you would be able to truly appreciate them. I think you are ready."

"Thank you," he said as he got up and hugged her.

They spent the rest of the morning opening presents and Roxas was excited over all the new video games and books he had asked for. He also got brand new blue tooth headphones and a laptop that he could use for schoolwork and to learn how to code. He got a new set of tools that he can use while working on vehicles and new music books for when he's learning how to play. Essentially he got new things that he can use while learning things with each of the guys.

"Wow kiddo, you got so much stuff," she smiled as she leaned against Raven who was holding her now.

"It's amazing," he nodded as he flipped through the making your own body soaps book Gabe gave him. "All of this is great, thank you guys so much!"

"You are welcome," They all said in unison.

"We are so glad you like everything," Axel smirked as Roxas sat down the book and picked up the make your own dreamcatcher kit.

"Why don't you take everything up to your room and set everything put away and in a couple of hours we will head out to the zoo, okay?" Kota asked.

"Can I bring my new camera to take pictures?" Roxas asked and she nodded.

"Of course you can," Ivy smiled softly.

"This is the best birthday ever!" Roxas shouted as he started to gather his stuff.

"I'm glad kiddo," she smiled as he kissed her cheek again and hugged her tightly. "I love you Roxas."

"I love you more Momma," he smiled before taking off for the stairs.

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