Chapter 8

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"Mr. Blackbourne, there is a woman in the lounge saying she knows you," Owen's receptionist said over the intercom.

"Who is it?" Owen asked confused. He wasn't expecting anyone.

"Ivy Marley," The receptionist said with disdain in her voice. "Would you like me to call security?"

"No," Owen said immediately, "Let her in, she is welcome anytime." A couple of minutes later his receptionist came in with hatred in her eyes and Ivy following shyly behind her. "Well, this is certainly a surprise, what brings you here Darling?" Owen said getting up and hugging her much to the shock of his receptionist who left in a very bad mood.

"Um..." she trailed off and looked down at her hands.

Owen tilted her head up until she was looking at him. "Take a breath and tell me."

She took a deep breath and took a hold of his jacket. "You told me to tell you when I have my next appointment and the lawyer just called and asked me to come in immediately so I was on my way when I remembered that you wanted me to tell you so Kota told me where your office was when I called the house to let you know so here I am," She said in one breath then closed her eyes.

"Good girl," he said softly as he ran his hands up and down her arms. "Let me clear my schedule and I will go with you, just give me a minute."

"What?" She asked opening her eyes in shocked. "No Owen you don't have to do that."

He held up a finger and she immediately went quiet. "Clear my schedule, something came up. I will be back in the office tomorrow." He then grabbed his phone and made a phone call, "Hey the lawyer just called her, once I know which one I will call you so you can meet us there. Okay I will let you know soon." He walked back over to her, "now let's go Darling, we don't want to be late."

"What?" She asked confused so he sighed and faced her, "I am going with you so you don't get overwhelmed again. My lawyer will meet us with this lawyer once I let him know where we are meeting. My lawyer is the best in the state so he will let us know if this lawyer is a good one, if not then my lawyer will take over the case."

"Owen..." She shook her head and trailed off.

"Stop Darling," Owen said softly. "I want to do this, let me."

"Okay," She said softly. "Thank you."
"You are welcome Darling," he said as he looped her arm through his and lead her out to the parking garage. He started typing on his phone then slipped it back into his jacket. "Mr. Weiland will be here in a couple of minutes with Mr. Griffin to pick up your car. I don't want you driving while you are nervous."

"Thank you Owen," She whispered then turned and hugged him tightly. He was shocked for a split second then returned it. A couple of minutes later Marc and Nathan pulled up next to her car.

"Let us know how it goes, okay Peanut?" Nathan asked and she nodded.
"How's Roxas?" She asked nervously.

"Axel took him to the aquarium to learn about the animals there," Marc said. "He was excited to see all the different kind of sharks there. Axel even said something about when he is old enough he can take classes to swim with them."

"What?" She asked shocked and Nathan laughed.

"Axel made sure he understood he had to be at least a teenager first," Nathan said calming down.

"Oh my god," She shook her head.

"Don't worry Beautiful, Axel will take very good care of him," Marc said pulling on a strand of her hair that was framing her face. "Get going so you can let us know what happens."

"Yes Sir," she whispered as Owen opened the door for her after she handed Marc the keys to her car.

Within five minutes of Owen and Ivy being at the lawyer's office Owen's lawyer walked in livid. "We're leaving Mr. Blackbourne and Miss Marley," He said holding a bunch of paperwork. "He was double teaming and actually going to side with the biological mother."
"What?" Ivy asked shocked.

"We are leaving and I will be seeing you in court," Owen's lawyer said pointing a finger at the now scared lawyer.

"If I knew she was working with Blackbourne and you I wouldn't have even taken the case," The lawyer said as he started to shake.

"Come on Darling," Owen said as he gently led her out of the building. Once they were outside, she started shaking. Owen took his jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"I can't lose him Owen," she said trying not to start crying. "I can't, he's my reason for living. I can't lose him, I won't survive if I lose him. He won't survive if he goes back to her. Owen, I can't."

"Hey, take a deep breath," he said holding her face to make her stare at him. "Take a deep breath. Now take another. One more. Good girl, now listen to me. You won't lose him. I promise I will do everything I can to make sure you don't lose him, okay?"

"Miss Marley?" his lawyer asked coming up to them. "Hi, can you please send me all your information and all the original court papers?"

"They are in my car," Owen said tossing him his keys. "I made copies when I took them from your house," he explained to her as he gently led her head to his chest so she could hear his heartbeat. Just like he suspected she wrapped her arms around his waist and started to relax.

"I will look over everything and if I need anything else I will let you know," the lawyer said coming back and nodding at Owen.

"Wait," She said lifting her head slightly. She opened her purse and handed him a jump drive.
"This has pictures I took of both of our bruises over the years, they are time stamped as well as copies of police reports and Child Protective Services documents and just everything."

"Thank you, it will be very helpful," he said taking it from her. "Blackbourne, I will notify you soon."

The lawyer left and Owen led her back to his car. After a few minutes of silence she whispered, "How am I going to afford him Owen? You said he was the best in the state. I may be an okay artist but I know I can't afford him."

"He's taking it for free," Owen said as he pulled out onto the highway. "He owes me for introducing him to his wife so he said he will take this as payback."

"Owen," She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, "thank you."

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