Chapter 3

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Roxas showed them to the living room and she rushed to set up the pillows and a blanket for him.

"I will go get you some Propel water, okay?" She asked and he nodded.

She slipped out to the kitchen and while there she grabbed the sink and took a few deep breaths. She grabbed the water bottle and started to head back to the living room. She froze when she heard them talking.

"So you said your moms name is Ivy and shes how old?" Kota asked curiously.

"Shes 22 but she isnt my birth mother," Roxas shrugged watching Corey attach some cords to the TV.

"She isnt?" Axel asked.

"Really shes my older sister but our birth mother is a drug addict. Both of our fathers are addicts too. She got custody of me a few years back but for as long as I can remember she is the one to raise me. Heck, she even gave me my name because the birth mother didnt even want kids," Roxas shrugged. "Her grandparent really raised her besides taking care of herself then she always took care of me. To me shes my mom not my sister."

"So its just the two of you?" North asked and he nodded.

"Yeah the only grandparents I knew were hers and they said I was theirs but they passed a couple of years ago," he said as Nathan handed him the controller.

"Well if you ever need anything someone is always next door, okay?" Kota asked and Roxas nodded.

"Are you going to the nearby school?" Victor asked even though he already knew the answer.

"I actually homeschool him," Ivy said coming into the room. "Here kiddo," She handed him the water bottle, "He is very smart for his age and needs to be challenged or he gets bored very easily. None of the schools would give him harder work to do and he didnt like being confined into one building having to go at everyone elses pace so I quickly learned it would be better for him to be home schooled."

"You must be very smart then," Kota smirked and she shook her head.

"Absolutely not, we visit the library quite often to get materials for him. I have to admit I struggle when it comes to teaching him but we do the best we can," she smiled as she took a washcloth and started cleaning his face.

"Momma," he groaned then smirked.

"Well, Kota is quite the genius when it comes to math, Axel actually owns an aquarium so he can help with science and Native American heritage, Owen owns many business so he can help with that and speaks Japanese, Victor is a professional pianist and Owen plays the violin, North does carpentry and Silas is a plumber and has a passion for boats, both also speak Greek, Raven speaks Russian and owns a gun range, Luke owns a bakery and likes to play pranks and be a ninja as he calls it, Nathan does martial arts and owns a martial arts company, Marc owns a café and has his own coffee company, Brandon and North own a couple of mechanic shops, Corey and Victor both are genius when it comes to computer and coding, Gabriel owns a hair salon where he creates his own shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bath soaps and bombs and such and is a genius when it comes to fashion, and well as you know I am a doctor so we can always help in expanding his knowledge in different areas," Sean smiled.

"Really?" Roxas asked eyes gleaming. "That would be so awesome!"

"As long as they arent busy," Ivy sighed, "But that doesnt mean you can go over every day and bug them, understand?"

"Yes Momma," Roxas nodded then groaned.

Ivys phone rang and she paled at the number, "Excuse me," She said as she slipped out the back door. She didnt see North slip out shortly after her. "Hello? What do you want? What? No, absolutely not! It has been four years of silence why now Mother? You voluntarily terminated your rights after I threatened to press charges when I found the same bruises on him that you use to leave on me! Can you even tell me his name instead of the boy or better yet his birthday? Let me guess you have a new boyfriend and want to pass off as the ever loving mother in front of him. I dont care, I have custody and I say no. Go ahead and threaten to call the police they wont help you. Better yet if you do I will have them do a drug test on you. Go ahead and call Child Protective Services, you cant prove anything to your lies. We have a home, food, hes getting education, hes healthy now thanks to me, everything he needs he has no thanks to you. Go right ahead Mother. I dont care if Im going to be single the rest of my life if it means he is in a way better environment than I was in growing up. Yes I am very much aware that no man is going to want to be a single mother and I have accepted that long ago. How dare you say I threw my life away to raise him! I would rather raise him as a single parent alone for the rest of my life then have him be put in the system! Well you may think I am crazy for throwing my life away but I dont see it that way, I am blessed to have the chance to give him a better life than you ever did and I know one day he will grow up to resent you just as much as I do. You know you say I threw my life away to be a parent but the reality of it is Mother that you threw your life away for drugs and men that just use you. Being a parent is a blessing and you have lost it. If the day ever comes when you are sober you are going to regret the fact that you dont have a relationship with your children and you are going to have to accept that they want nothing to do with you because you chose drugs over them. Now is there a point to your ranting other than I wont let you have him? Just because you gave birth to him doesnt make him your son, I named and raise him. You lost your rights so you have no say when it comes to him. Go ahead and call the cops they wont help you. Yeah right you dont have the money for a lawyer and even if you did I have the proof that you are no longer his mother. Just stop, Im done, Im not listening anymore. You arent getting my son. Okay Ill believe that when it happens. Good bye Mother," Ivy hung up the phone, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She held it then slowly let it out. She opened her eyes and jumped when North suddenly appeared in front of her. "Shit," She gasped.

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