Chapter 37

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By the time they came back from the zoo it was late and Raven carried in a sleeping Roxas while North carried in Ivy who was trying to be patient and wait for the pain meds to kick in.

"I have to admit, he took some damn good pictures today," Gabe said as he hooked the camera up to the laptop to transfer the pictures over into Roxas' folder.

"He has a good eye," Ivy nodded as she curled up on the couch. "He always has."

"Since he is asleep, can we talk about something?" Owen asked as he sat beside her on the couch and pulled her feet into his lap.

"What?" She asked tensing up as all sorts of things filled her head.

"About what was said at the courthouse," he said and they watched her freeze up entirely.

"What is there to talk about?" She asked curtly. "You already know everything that there is to know about my son."

"Our son," Owen corrected softly, and everyone noticed how quickly she turned to face him with shock on her face. "Knowing the truth doesn't make us lose any of our love for him or for you.'

"You don't mean love. You mean respect," She shook her head. "Love isn't real. It's just something made up for books and movies."

"Love is real," he said softly as he massaged her feet. "Love is caring and respecting someone close to you. It's shown in different ways, like how Mr. Weiland makes coffee for every single one of in the morning in all the different ways we like it just to make our mornings just a little bit easier on us. Or how Mr. Coleman goes out of his way to make sure we all look our best and makes different hair and body products for each of us. How Dr. Green always takes care of us and Mr. Taylor Jr. makes sure we eat healthy and I could give a million other examples. It's not always roses and presents like the books and movies show. It's little things just to let the person or persons you care about know you are thinking about them, like making sure they got to work or home safely or just sending a text letting them know you are thinking about them. Caring about them even on the hard days when they are trying to push you away or you are fighting about something. Love is real and it's hard work but it's worth it if given the chance. All of us love you and Roxas and want this marriage to continue. We wanted to talk to you about adopting Roxas and giving him my last name."

"What?" She asked dumbfounded. "You're joking."

"No we aren't," Owen shook his head as Kota came back into the room. She hadn't even realized that he had left as she watched him come around the couch and handed her some papers. She looked down and realized they were adoption papers that were already filled out. "We are serious about this, Darling."

She pulled her feet out of his hands and stood, "I need....I need....this is....."

Owen nodded, "Mr. Ravenstahl, Mr. Taylor Jr, Mr. Korba will take you over to your house and carry you to your art studio so you can think about everything."

"Thank you," She whispered as North picked her up. "Wait, what about?"

Axel interrupted her, "Roxas is sleeping, he's fine, we will keep an ear out for him but I'm sure after today he will sleep just fine in his room."

She nodded and North carried her out and across the yard to her house with Raven and Silas following behind. They had converted her house into offices for whoever needed them and two studios for her and Gabe to work on their creativity. North and Silas were wanting to build a walkway to combine both houses but they knew they had to convince her to keep the marriage first.

North sat her down in her art studio and turned right before he left the room, "We will be downstairs when you're ready to come home. Mr. B is right Baby, we do want to make this work if you will just give us a chance. You and Roxas have brought so much happiness in our lives that we didn't realize we were missing until we met you. Just try and give us a chance please."

She watched him leave and sighed. She curled up in the bay window seat and looked out the window, what in the world was she going to do?

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