Chapter 32

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"Shit," Sean whispered as he looked at her wound.

"What?" Owen asked not liking the frown on Sean's face. He picked up Roxas and held him.

"She's got an infection," he whispered pointing to the red angry skin that was swollen and had some whiteness to it. "I'm taking her to get out as much as I can and we're changing her medicine yet again."

"Okay," Owen said as he noticed the rest of the team woke up and looked up confused. "She's got an infection in her wound."

"Fuck," Raven growled "Want home now."

"We all do," Corey nodded, "But we can't bring her home until she is better. Doc will make her better."

An hour later Sean wheeled her back into the room and sighed, "I think we got all the infection out, but I got her on some stronger antibiotics and pain meds. She should sleep through the night."

"She didn't look too happy how haggard we looked" Owen nodded. "I think we should take shifts going to get cleaned up before she wakes. If she starts to wake whoever is here will notify those that are gone immediately." They nodded and Gabe shook his head.

"I'll just go get our stuff, we can shower here that way we're still here," He shook his head. "I can't shower that far away from her."

"That sounds better," Axel nodded.

"I'll go with you," Luke nodded.

"I'll drive, neither one of you should be driving," Marc stood. "I can grab us some good food anyway."

Less than an hour later they were back with bags of clothes and food.

"Is Momma still sleeping?" Roxas asked as he woke up as they came into the room. He watched Sean carefully check on her chest wound. "What are you doing Doc? Why do you keep checking?"

"She got an infection, so I had to do surgery, so I keep making sure she is doing okay," He explained.
"She is okay, but she should sleep for a bit, so why don't you go take a shower and put clean clothes on while we get dinner set up?"

Roxas nodded and headed to the bathroom after Gabe handed him clean clothes. Gabe was the last one to take a shower, he insisted on cleaning Ivy up the best he could with dry shampoo and other things that he brought. Once he was content he did the best he could he had Raven pick her up so he could brain her hair. She snuggled into Raven and let slip a soft contented sigh. Raven refused to put her back in the bed and said he would eat later.

That just started a rotation where someone would quickly scarf something down then hold her so someone else could hold her. Raven originally didn't want to let her go but he also knew that everyone needed to feel her in their arms. Plus it helped that Corey constantly reminded him that she was okay and would wake up and once they brought her home she would need to be carried because she would tire easily so there would be plenty of times for him to hold her and carry her.

After everyone ate someone turned on the TV and they started playing video games to try and distract them. It worked for a little bit until some of her machines started beeping. Sean rushed over to her and sighed, "Shhhh it's okay Pookie, we're here."

"," She whimpered as she shook her head side to side.

"You're safe Darling," Owen whispered in her ear as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Roxas and you are safe, it's just a bad dream. We all are here, we got you."
She stilled under his touch and when he started to move she clutched his hand. He let slip a smirk and with Sean's help got into the bed with her without messing up her IVs. She slept for the rest of the night and they took turns laying with her so everyone got a chance. Roxas laid on one side and they slept on the other with her in the middle.

Some odd hours later she woke with a gasp. "Shhh, we're right here Baby," North said gruffly into her neck as he tightened his hold around her waist.

"North?" She asked groggily.

"Go back to sleep Baby," he whispered. "I got you, you're safe. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

"I hurt," She whispered as she slowly tried to move closer to him. His warmth helped make the pain go away just a little. "It hurts to breathe," She admitted as a tear slipped free.

"I'm sorry Pookie, I slept through my alarm," Sean said instantly waking up once he heard her talking.

"It's ok," she whispered, "I know you've been through a lot."

"So have you," he said as he injected pain medicine into her IV. "Other than hurting, how are you feeling?"

"Like I want to throw up," She whispered honestly. "I'm cold even though North is really warm."

"You have a slight fever from the infection," he nodded as he took her temperature. "Hopefully the antibiotics will help you feel better soon."

"I want to go home Sean," She whimpered.

"Couple more days okay?" He asked. "I just really need to make sure you are getting better first, then we can all go home, okay?"

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