chapter twelve

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Louis's shocked at first but very quickly melts into the kiss. It's so familiar and addicting and fuck, he's just missed Harry so much.

Harry walks forward and pushes Louis against the wall of the elevator behind him, Louis' hands wrap around Harry's neck as Harry pushes his tongue into Louis' mouth. They melt together and Louis doesn't try to fight for dominance because he's missed Harry controlling their kisses so much. Right now, he's just basking in it.

Harry pulls away and rests his forehead against Louis', emitting a whine from the smaller boy. Harry chuckles and pecks Louis' lips a few times, "I love you too," he whispers looking deep into Louis' eyes, "I love you so much, Louis Tomlinson and I never stopped loving you, not even when I ended things. All I've wanted for this past year was for you to come back to me and prove to me that you love me, and here you are. I'm so in love with you and I'm never letting you go again,"

Louis was crying again, but this time, they were happy tears. He had his Harry back. "Harry," he cried, "I love you, I love you, I love you," he babbled repeatedly.

Harry was also crying, and he chuckled as he wiped Louis' tears, "I know baby, I know and I love you too," he pressed his lips against Louis' again and neither of them minded the salty taste of their tears, they were just happy to be together again.

He pulled back and smiled at Louis, he noticed a shine, something the light of the elevator was reflecting off, and looked down. He noticed Louis was wearing the necklace he'd bought him for their two-year anniversary. "You're wearing it?" He asked, tears coming to his eyes again.

"I haven't taken it off since a couple weeks after you left me. I'm sorry I was such an unappreciative asshole when you gave it to me, it's beautiful, and so, so special. I'm never gonna let you buy me anything ever again,"

"Good luck with that, I'm gonna spoil you baby. I trust you; I know you're not going to become that person again and I love you so much. Never take this necklace off," Harry whispered before going in for another kiss.

"Never," Louis agreed in between kisses. He suddenly pulled back as he remembered the nearly naked girl in Harry's apartment. "What about Aurora?" He asked.

Harry sighed, "Lou, my feelings for Aurora were never romantic. At first it was just sex to take my mind off you and satisfy my needs, but then the paps caught her leaving my apartment one too many times and we were labelled a couple. You don't need to worry about her,"

Louis let out a breath of relief, they were never a couple, "Well, you don't need her to satisfy your needs anymore because I'm here and I don't plan on leaving."

Harry growled and pushed his tongue back into Louis' mouth, his hands travelled down to squeeze Louis' bum. Just as Louis started grinding on Harry they heard the sound of someone speaking through the intercom.

"Hello? Are you alright in there?" The voice asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, "Just slipped and accidentally hit the button," Louis started kissing down Harry's neck and leaving territorial love bites in his trace.

"Alright, sorry for the delay mate, what floor are you after?" the voice questioned.

Harry moaned lowly when Louis sucked on his sweet spot, "Top floor," he grunted out.

"Won't be a second mate, have a good night,"

"Yeah," he said claiming Louis' mouth, "You too," he said in between kisses.

The intercom turned off and the lift started rising. Louis and Harry barely took any notice of it as they sucked on each other's tongues. When the doors opened, Louis went back to Harry's neck as Harry took them to his apartment.

As Harry was walking down the hall to his door, Louis pulled away and started lifting Harry's t-shirt up.

"Baby, I can't get it off while I'm holding you," Harry told the boy, Louis let out a pathetic desperate whine and decided just to hold the shirt up so he could access Harry's nipples.

He started sucking on the left one and Harry nearly tripped at the pleasure he felt, he let out a moan alongside an "Oh fuck," and quickened his pace to the door of his apartment. He's always had sensitive nipples and always loved when Louis played with them.

Louis pulled back, "Like that, babe?" he teased, pinching the wet nipple and moving to suck on the right one.

"So much baby, fuck," he said as they finally approached the door. Harry'd left it unlocked in his rush to catch Louis so he just twisted the handle and pushed inside. Louis' attack on his nipples didn't stop and Harry wouldn't be able to take much more before he buried himself inside Louis, the tent in his sweats was bigger than it had been in a long time.

He walked them through the open living room towards his bedroom but stopped as he saw a figure on his couch.

"Babe, why'd you stop?" Louis whined, rocking forward into Harry's cock.

"Louis, baby, Aurora's still here for some reason," Harry whispered to him. Louis froze and Harry let him onto the ground.

"Were you sucking on his nipples?!" She screeched.

Louis winced at the sound, "Yes I was, thank you for asking," he rolled his eyes.

"Why?!" She looked utterly disgusted.

"Because he knows how to please me," Harry said, "Now, please leave, you're killing the mood,"

"No! I'm not going anywhere!" She stomped her foot like a child.

"Oh cool, you can watch me suck Harry's cock, and while you're at it, take some notes," Louis winked at her before sinking to his knees and mouthing at Harry's dick through the fabric of his sweats.

"Fuck, Louis don't tease baby just wait a couple minutes," Harry groaned putting his hand in Louis' hair but making no move to pull him away. Louis ignored him and continued placing kissing on the bulge. "Will you leave now? I've got a mouth to fuck," Harry said to Aurora.

"Harry! We're together, this is cheating!" She shouted.

"We aren't together Aurora, we were fuck buddies, but that's over now so will you please leave so I can fuck my boyfriend." Louis gasped at the term 'boyfriend' and jumped up to kiss Harry, they were barely able to kiss because they were smiling so much.

"Boyfriend," Louis whispered against Harry's lips.

"Boyfriend." Harry agreed.

"Ahem! That's not what the rest of the world thinks! The rest of the world thinks we're in love Harry," She looked really fucked off and Louis couldn't help but find it funny.

"Not for long they won't," Harry said to her before kissing Louis sweetly on the lips.

"Ugh!" She screeched before turning and walking out of the apartment, slamming the door shut on her way out.

"Finally," Louis said, pulling Harry to the bedroom.

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