chapter seven

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Louis's scared is the thing. Maybe not scared, but definitely nervous. He had built up a lot of courage when he decided he wanted to contact Harry. Pressing 'Enter' on the keyboard of his laptop took a lot out of him, and seeing he was in a relationship – while utterly heart breaking – had been somewhat of a relief.

Relief because he didn't have to deal with the anxiety of seeing Harry for the first time in a year. Relief because he didn't have to deal with the anxiety of talking to him for the first time in a year. And relief because he didn't have to experience the rejection face-to-face. Yes, he counts this as rejection, but more of a 'rejection by default'.

Now, he's back to square one; trying to contact Harry.

Yes, he could probably text him and hope he didn't change his number over the year, but Harry probably wouldn't want to talk to him so that probably wouldn't get him very far.

He thinks about texting Liam – Harry's best friend – and hoping he didn't change his number over the year. But as much as Liam liked Louis, he was always very protective of Harry, and he's probably not Louis' number one fan right now. Not to mention he'd probably tell Harry and then the entire plan would be ruined because the last person Harry's going to want to see is his brat of an ex-boyfriend.

Then, Louis gets an idea. It's not very fool-proof, and could definitely end in disaster, but he reckons it's worth a shot, hopefully, a better shot than texting Harry or Liam.

With that, he picks up his phone and goes to his contacts. As the phones ringing, he gets more and more anxious. So many things could go wrong during this phone call, but so many things could go right, too.



This chapter is ridiculously short because I wanted to do the whole cliffhanger ending thing.

I think it's pretty obvious, but who do you think Louis called?

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter/book, and any theories you have about what's going to happen! <3

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