chapter nine

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Louis looked completely shocked. Scratch that, Louis was completely shocked.

"W-What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"You asked for my help, did you not?" She looked confused, but no where near as confused as Louis felt.

"Why would you help me though? After the way I treated Harry, after the way I treated you, after the way I treated everyone around me?"

"Because I know the real Louis Tomlinson. I know who you really are Louis, and you're right, the person you were when Harry ended things was not the real you. I've met the real you, I know the real you, and the real you is sitting in front of me right now making a mess of your tea as you always do when we go out." She said gesturing towards the mess of spilt tea on the table around Louis' cup.

Louis felt tears gather at the back of his eyes. Fuck, he appreciates Anne so much.

"What about Harry's girlfriend?" He asks. Surely Anne wouldn't break up her son's relationship.

"Louis, darling, how long were you and Harry dating before he brought you home to meet me?" She asked.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, how was that relevant? He answered anyway. "A month,"

Anne nodded in agreement, "Yes, one month. Harry and Aurora have been dating for six months and I've never met the girl. All I know is from what I read online, and obviously I know those tabloids say a lot of bullshit, but I've seen the pictures of them together and Harry's not happy." She explains, "And when I ask about her, he never wants to talk about her, he always sounds so bored and vague. Quite literally the complete opposite to how he was with you," she says, "they're not right for each other."

Louis fish mouths for half a minute before standing up, pulling her from her seat and hugging the life out of her. He lets his tears fall as he buries his face into her neck. "I love you so much, Anne. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He babbles through his sobs.

Anne just holds him, a hand stroking through his hair and the other rubbing his back. She whispers comforting words into his ear like "It's okay, Lou," and "I know you're sorry," and "I love you too,"

They stand there until Louis calms down. He pulls back blushing and Anne just smiles at him. "So, shall we come up with a plan?" She asks him as they sit back down at the table.

Louis nods and lets Anne speak since he has absolutely no idea how he'll be able to make this up to Harry and win him back.

"So due to the fact that it's obvious they aren't happy together, I honestly don't think it'll take much at all for him to take you back. I think all you'll need to do will be to prove to him that you're back and you'll be in his arms within minutes,"

"Okay, but how do I prove to him that I've changed?" Louis questions.

"Lou, Harry knows you better than I do, and I knew you'd changed before you even sat down. Sit down and talk to him, tell him everything you told me. I guarantee it'll work." Her confidence calms Louis a bit. He's still incredibly nervous to face Harry but he trusts Anne with his whole heart.

"Where do you think the best place to talk to him would be?" He asks her.

"I think in private would be best, that way you can get all your emotions out and have a proper talk without the risk of getting interrupted." She says, "Go to his house, he hasn't moved,"

Louis's surprised at that, "He hasn't moved?" He asks.

"No, he hasn't. That house has a lot of memories he wasn't willing to give up. At least that's what I think, he won't talk to me about anything to do with you," Anne admits.

"I really hurt him," Louis says, a sad frown on his face.

"You did," She agrees, "But you're not going to hurt him again, and you're going to treat him how he deserves." It's not a threat, she genuinely believes he won't ever hurt her son again.

"I won't." Louis confirms, "I can't believe I lost him once, I'm never letting that happen again,"

"I know you won't, Lou. I trust you with him completely." Louis can see it in her eyes, she means it.

"Is tonight too soon? It's been a year and I'm not sure how much longer I can be without him," he says earnestly.

"You know what? I think the sooner the better,"




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