chapter eleven

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You don't need to listen to the song, but I was listening to it as I was writing this chapter and it fit quite well :)


"Why are you wearing makeup?" Were the first out of the girl's mouth.

Louis was still in shock from seeing Harry's new girlfriend in her bra and underwear that he barely heard what she'd said.

"Hello? I'm talking to you," she waved a perfectly manicured hand in front of his face.

"Uhm..." Louis mumbled, "Because I like it?" He hates that he'd made it sound like a question.

"Well, you shouldn't. You're a boy and no offence or anything but it's just kinda weird." She sure didn't sound like she wasn't trying to be offence.

Louis cleared his throat and managed to gain some of his confidence back, "I think I'll be the one to decide whether I'll wear makeup or not, thank you."

"There was no need to be rude! I was just trying to give you some advice," she exclaimed dramatically.

Louis opened his mouth to respond when he heard an all-too-familiar voice call from the hallway.

"Aurora, are you coming back to bed or wha-" Harry called as he walked into the room wearing nothing but boxers and sporting a hard on. He froze as soon as he saw who his girlfriend was talking to.

Louis felt like he couldn't breathe. He had to have the worst possible timing ever, of course the day he comes to get Harry back he interrupts them having sex.

"Louis?" Harry damn-near whispers.


"Wait, you're Louis? Harry's brat ex-boyfriend that used him for his money?" Aurora interrupted.

Louis felt tears gather in the back of his eyes and looked down so the half-naked people in front of him wouldn't see. His breathing is still really tight and he needs to get out of here. He nods his head towards the ground. "I deserved that one," he whispers to himself.

He looks back up, "I-I'm gonna leave now, s-sorry for interrupting."

Harry notices Louis look from his eyes to his crotch. His eyes widen and his puts his hand over his slowly settling hard on. "Fuck," he curses, "Louis-"

"It's fine," Louis cuts in, it's not fair for him to get upset over Harry having sex with his girlfriend. He has no right, it's none of his business what they do together, no matter how much it hurts. He was the one who pushed Harry away, this is his fault. "Just forget I was ever here,"

He turns and walks away and as soon as they can't see him anymore, he lets his tears fall. They come at an overwhelming pace, and he can't seem to get them to stop. It feels like forever before the elevator doors open and he steps inside the lift. Thankfully, it's empty because he really doesn't think he could handle being around anyone right now. He presses the button for the ground floor and goes to the back left corner and slides down the wall until he's sitting on the cold floor of the elevator.

Right before the elevator doors close, a hand full of rings and nail polish holds them open. Harry slips in through the doors and watches as they close, he's thrown on some sweats and a t-shirt, his cheeks are flushed from running and his hair is a mess of curls and knots.

"Harry?" Louis questions, even though he knows damn well Harry is the person standing in front of him. The elevator starts moving but it doesn't get far before Harry pushes the emergency stop button.

"Why did you come over, Lou?" Harry asks the smaller boy as he sits in the corner opposite Louis.

Louis looks down and wipes his face to rid his tears, not wanting Harry to see even though it's obvious. "It doesn't matter, I'm sorry for interrupting you and Aurora,"

"I don't care that you interrupted us, I care about why you showed up on the doorstep of the house we used to live in together a year after we broke up." Harry says with a frustrated tone to his voice.

"It doesn't matter, Harry." Louis repeats.

"Yes, it does. I want to know, Louis," Harry demands.

"And I don't want to tell you anymore, I changed my mind!" Louis shouts.

"We both know that's bullshit Louis, if Aurora wasn't there and we weren't about to fuck, you would be in my apartment right now talking to me about why you came here!" Harry shouts back.

"Please don't talk about fucking her right now," Louis says quietly.

"Tell me why you're here, Louis,"


"Tell me Louis, so help me God we're not leaving this elevator until you tell me why you're here!"

"Because I love you!" Louis shouts, probably loud enough for Aurora to hear.

The silence that follows suffocates Louis to the point he thinks he might pass out. He decides to continue before Harry has the chance to reject him.

"I love you. I love you so much, I've never stopped loving you, not since before we first said it to each other. I don't know what happened to me to make me become the person I was when you left me, but that's not me anymore. I don't know who the person that took advantage of you and made you feel like they don't love you is, but we both know it's not me. I became this person no one around me recognised including myself and I fucked up a lot of relationships with people I love, but I've spent the last year working on myself so I could be the Louis everyone knew and loved again." He took a breath, "I came here to win you back, I thought if you could see that I'm the Louis you fell in love with you'd take me back."

He stands up and paces around the small space as he continues his speech, "Y'know I've got a job now?" He looks at Harry, "I'm a makeup artist at Sephora, fitting innit? I live in a one-bedroom apartment with my dog Clifford, you'd love 'im, he's a big ball of cuddles and he loves a good walk. I see Zayn most days, but we hardly ever go a day without speaking, I call my family at least once a week and we get lunch together once a month, sometimes they'll come up 'ere and other times I'll go to Donny." He smiles fondly at the thought of his life now, "I've missed you so much Hazza, and I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, you didn't deserve that. You're an amazing person and you deserve to be treated like royalty, I'll never hurt you again and I'll spend every day proving to you how much I love you. If you take me back, that is." he says as a couple more tears fall.

Harry stands up and walks to towards Louis, all the while being completely silent. He picks Louis up from under his thighs and presses his mouth against Louis'.




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