chapter ten

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Louis and Anne spent the next two hours catching up on everything that happened to each of them over the past year and a bit since they'd seen each other. Louis told her all about what he'd done to work on himself, and how he's gotten a job and how he's doing with Zayn. Anne told him all about what Harry's been up to with his business and how Gemma's working on her own line of sunglasses.

When they finished up three cups of tea later, they hugged and went their separate ways. As Anne held Louis in her embrace, she whispered words of encouragement into his ear and kissed him on the cheek telling him she'd see him soon.

Louis went back to his apartment to freshen up a bit before going to Harry's. He doesn't want to overdo it, so he just tops up his makeup and perfume, pets Cliff, and heads to Zayn's to tell him the news.

"Zayn!" He calls when he enters the apartment. Zayn let him keep his key when he moved out so now, he just lets himself in whenever he goes over.

"What?" Zayn calls back from the lounge.

Louis heads over and sees Zayn and Niall sitting on the couch, they'd also become very close, so close it seems every time Louis goes to Zayn or Niall's houses the other is always there. They're both wearing boxers while watching 'New Girl' and eating chocolate and chips, there's chip crumbs all down Niall's chest and a scattered pile sitting on his crotch. There's smeared chocolate around Zayn's mouth and somehow, he's managed to get some up by his eyebrow.

"Well, this is an attractive sight," Louis says sarcastically.

"Piss off," Niall says throwing a few chips at Louis and missing. "It's a lazy day, leave us alone,"

"A very lazy day indeed," Louis said, "y'know, I don't even think I looked like this after Harry dumped me."

"Why are you here, Louis?" Zayn sighs as he pauses the episode, leaving a freeze frame of Schmidt wearing his kimono.

"Right! So, I just had tea with Anne-"

"You did?" Zayn questioned sitting up straight and paying attention to the conversation.

"Who's Anne?" Niall questions.

"Harry's mum, now shut up," Zayn says.

"Yup, and she doesn't hate me! She said she still loves me and she's helping me get Harry back!" Louis exclaimed, a big happy smile on his face.

"That's amazing, Lou! I'm so happy for you!" Zayn smiles brightly, genuinely happy for his best friend.

"I know! So, I'm about to head over to Harry's now and talk to him. We decided it would be best to do it in private and she reckons he'll take me back as soon as he realises I'm the person he fell in love with again." He informs.

"Wait, so you're heading to Harry's house now?" Niall asks. "What about his girlfriend?" Zayn had informed Niall on the situation with Harry's new girlfriend that morning.

"Anne said they aren't happy together; did you know she hasn't even met Harry's new girlfriend? And she said every time she asks Harry about it, he sounds bored and vague."

"Well, that's great, Lou! You'll have 'im back in your arms in no time," Zayn tells him, still smiling at how happy his friend is.

Louis' smile couldn't grow any bigger if he tried, "I really hope so,"

"So, what are you still doing here? Go get your man back!" Niall encourages, trying to hype his friend up and get his adrenaline going so he doesn't change his mind from fear.

"You're right." Louis says moving forward to kiss their cheeks before turning and heading to the door. "Thanks Zee, Ni. I'll see you later." He calls as he exits the apartment.


Standing outside Harry's apartment door is probably the scariest things Louis' done in over a year at least. He and Harry used to live here together, they decorated the apartment together, Louis used to sit on the kitchen island while Harry cooked dinner and they broke in every room in this apartment within days of moving in.

He raised his hand to ring to doorbell and did a minute of box breathing to calm himself down before pressing down on the button. He waited anxiously for the door to open, he mentally practiced what he was going to say in his head and had just started going over it a second time when the door opened.

But last he remembered, Harry wasn't some skinny brunette model, and he most certainly didn't wear blue lacey lingerie.




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