chapter six

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Sorryyyy, I completely forgot to post a chapter today.



Aurora Blakely.

6-month anniversary.

Louis sat frozen as he stared at his laptop screen. Harry's in a relationship.

God, he feels like an idiot, that's not even something he considered. They've only been broken up a year, and Louis' still not over Harry, clearly.

He looks to the date of the article and see's it was posted yesterday morning, most likely meaning their anniversary was the day before the article was posted. That means they must've got together not much more than six months after he and Louis broke up.

Louis whimpers at the thought of Harry getting over him so quickly. If he had only treated Harry better, treated him how he deserved, they might not have even broken up in the first place. If only he didn't change so much. If only he didn't take advantage of Harry. If only he didn't let everything go to his head.

Cliff jumped onto the bed and placed himself in Louis's lap for comfort, pushing the laptop out of the way and onto the duvet in the process. Louis' never loved his dog more.

He hugs Clifford close as he processes the situation. Harry's in a relationship with a girl called Aurora Blakely and has been for the last 6 months. His Harry- well, not anymore. He lost him.

He lays on his back, Cliff following him down and resting on his chest. He closes his eyes as the first few tears escape and falls asleep when the hundredth had fallen.



Louis mumbles to himself and reaches to push away the hand that's repeatedly pushing against his shoulder.

"Louis," it comes louder, loud enough to define. Zayn.

"G'way," he whined. Waking up just made him remember what he found out before he fell asleep. Harry's in a relationship and has been for at least six months. With that he sits up, an idea coming to his head.

"Do I have any alcohol?"

"None that you're going to drink at 10 to 9 in the morning, get ready for work, you're late," Zayn says and throws his best friend's work uniform at him before walking out the door.

"Good morning to you too, Zayn. What a lovely morning it is at 10 to 9- shit, I'm late!" He jumps up from his best startling Clifford in the process as he shoves all his clothes off his body and onto his bedroom floor. He runs to his dresser and grabs a pair of clean socks and clean panties – he's still as feminine as he's always been, now he just buys cheaper clothes, he's allowed to wear either of the male and female uniforms they have at Sephora, he usually goes for the female one and leaves the male one for when he's having a shit day or feeling low. Today.

And he shouldn't be surprised to see that Zayn knew today was a bad day, but he is. He picks up the male uniform from his bed and pulls it onto his body as fast as he can, spraying perfume onto his body, his wrists, neck and behind his ears, then grabs his roll-on and runs it up and down the length of his slightly grown armpits.

He doesn't bother with makeup and brushes his hair and teeth quickly. He grabs his tote bag – the bag he brings everywhere – and rushes through the living room, not without getting caught by Zayn.

"You need to eat something, Louis!" Zayn calls out to his friend, watching as he runs to the door to put his vans on.

"No time. I will on my break," Louis calls back, fiddling with the laces.

"Text me when you go on break because we need to talk about some things,"

"What things?" Louis stood up from his spot on the ground, shoelaces now tied.

"You'll find out on your break. Now, go to work, I'll see you in a few,"

Louis rolls his eyes but reluctantly leaves, running to his car, getting into it, starting the engine, and zooming off to work as he completely ignored the speed limit.


Work was shit. He usually loved his job, but his mind was completely on Harry. His Harry. The Harry that he lost.

It was no secret that he was feeling sorry for himself, wallowing in self-pity, but he worked for an entire year to better himself for Harry and it worked. He whole-heartedly believes that he's the Louis Harry fell in love with, he's living comfortably off the money he earns from working and doesn't wish for anything else. Well, other than having Harry back again.

By the time Zayn shows up to the table at the café they're eating at, Louis' already order both of their drinks, a chocolate caramel slice for himself, and a chocolate and walnut brownie for Zayn. They've been here enough times to know each other's orders.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Louis asks after the initial greetings had been given.

"Why did you need the men's uniform today?" He doesn't have to say it for Louis to hear the deeper question.

Why are you sad?

"Well- uhm, y'know- I was going to t-try get in contact with Harry, going to get him back?" His words are all over the place, but he asks it as a question and Zayn gets what he's trying to say.

"Yeah?" Zayn says, encouraging Louis to continue speaking.

"H-He has a girlfriend. It was their 6-month anniversary recently. I lost him."

The look of relief on Zayn's face makes Louis get defensive, "What's that look for? Why are you relieved about that? The love of my life is in a relationship with someone else, what's there to be relieved about?"

"Because! You've avoided Harry for the last year, but I haven't. His girlfriend? She's a complete bitch. Doesn't hold a candle to you, not even a fucking matchstick. You worked your ass off over the past year to get to where you are right now. Go get your man back, prove that you are what he needs."

And yeah. Louis thinks he just might.


Bit of a longer chapter! Let me know your thoughts. <3

Also, I'm not an expert in Sephora, I'm not even sure if we have one in New Zealand. Additionally, I don't wear makeup, so please don't hate me if I get something wrong or messed up.

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