chapter four

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"That was the last one, Lou," Zayn told Louis as the two drove away from the tenth homeless person they'd visited today. They ended up sending the bags to the charities first so they'd get there as soon as possible.

Louis smiled, "I guess it's home time then,"

He couldn't keep the smile off his face. It felt so nice to do good for others while simultaneously finding himself again.

"You look happy," Zayn noted.

"I am," Louis said simply, "Happiest I've been in a while,"

"So, what're you gonna do now?" Zayn asked.

Louis had his plan set out. He wasn't even going to attempt to talk to Harry until he is fully and completely himself again, he needs to show Harry he's changed and won't go back to the brat he turned into.

He just needs to make sure he knows that will be true.

"'M gonna get a job,"

"Yeah? What kind of job?" Zayn questioned.

"Well, I uhm- I've got my beauty qualifications, so I'm wanting look into makeup artistry jobs," he shrugged half-heartedly.

It was his dream to be a makeup artist ever since he was 14 and learned how to put it on properly. He went to beauty school, and got his qualifications almost a year ago. But by then he was already using Harry's money and didn't want to work.

Even if it was something he loved, he didn't see the point as long as he had access to Harry's bank account.

He sighed sadly. He couldn't believe how he didn't see what he was doing to Harry and their relationship.

Zayn took one hand off the wheel and patted Louis' shoulder sympathetically. "Stop beating yourself up over this, Lou. It's in the past and the only thing you can do to make up for it is show Harry that you love him for him and not his money,"

Louis sniffled a bit, "I just don't understand how I could let myself change that much. I'd like to think I'm a good person... At least I was a good person."

"Stop, don't say that." Zayn scolded as he pulled into the parking lot of his flat. "You still are a good person, Louis, you just lost yourself for a bit,"

"Yeah, long enough to make Harry think I didn't love him!" He sobbed, breaking down in the passenger seat.

"Oh, Lou," Zayn sighed, unbuckling himself and Louis and pulling the small lad over and onto his lap. He wrapped his best friend up in his arms and let him sob his heart out.

This was a rather regular occurrence lately; Louis spent the first two weeks of the break up breaking down every other hour. It hadn't happened since he decided he wanted to get Harry back; Zayn thinks it's because all his focus had been on finding himself again instead of the loss of his Harry.

"I-I lost him, Z-Zayn," Louis cried against the taller lad's neck. "I-It h-hurt-s. I need-d h-him,"

"I know it hurts, Lou," Zayn whispered, "But it's going to get better, I promise,"

"H-How c-can you p-promise me s-something-g like t-that?" Louis asked.

Zayn sighed, "Because you and Harry are meant to be together,"

"W-What if he d-doesn't forgive m-me?" Louis whimpered.

Zayn sighed, he knows Louis and Harry are the loves of each other's lives, but he doesn't want to give him false hope. "Then he doesn't deserve you," he said, "Harry knows the real you, and if he won't forgive you after everything you're doing, he doesn't deserve you,"

"I-I love him s-so much, Z-Zayn,"

"I know, Lou,"


They sat there until Louis fell asleep. Zayn carried him inside and tucked him into his bed, Louis automatically reached over for Harry's hoodie and cuddled it to his chest.

Zayn sighed looking at his best friend. He hates seeing Louis so sad, he was always so bubbly and full of energy – well, he was up until a year ago, then he started becoming snarky and just boring.

Zayn doesn't like thinking about that time in Louis' life, though. He knows that's not who Louis is and doesn't like thinking about the way Louis' acted for the past year.

"Sweet dreams, Lou." He whispers to the sleeping boy before placing a soft kiss on his forehead and leaving the room.


Bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! X



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