chapter two

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That was two weeks ago.

Louis had never felt so terrible. He loved Harry with all his heart, of course, he did. But he let Harry's money get to his head and took advantage of that.

He hadn't realised how much of a complete brat he had turned into until Harry broke up with him, and he hates himself more and more with every passing minute.

It's been two weeks and he's just come to terms with the situation.

Harry broke up with him.

Harry broke up with him because Louis made him feel like he loved Harry's money more than him, and he can't even fathom how he let himself treat Harry the way he did.

He's currently sitting in the spare room of Zayn's house – the room he'd been sleeping in for the past two weeks – looking at all his stuff.

He understood Harry, completely. He understood why Harry didn't want any of Louis' things left at his house, they were together for two years and that's not going to be easy for either of them to get over. Especially, since they both still love each other.

He's spent the last two weeks reflecting on his behaviour throughout their relationship and noticed when he started to change – around the one-year mark.

At the start of their relationship, Louis was all blushy and shy. He'd always put up a fight when Harry offered to pay for things because that's just the way he was raised.

But as the months went on, he got used to it.

Shortly after their one-year anniversary, Louis noticed he started asking Harry for things. Just little things, like picking up a new shade of nail polish on his way home from the office or asking if he could fill up his car.

But then his requests grew. And they became less like requests, and more like demands.

And now, looking back on it, for their two-year anniversary, Harry had gotten Louis a necklace. It was simple, and silver – just a paper plane with 28/9 – the date of their anniversary – engraved on the left-wing.

Louis remembers opening it, and looking back up to Harry after analysing it, and saying, "Is this all you got me?"

He went into his over-sized jewellery box and dug through until he found it, tangled in some silver and bronze necklaces at the back. He pulled it out and traced his finger over the engraved date and let a couple tears fall down his cheeks.

He hooked the silver chain around his neck and let it sit at the top of his chest. He then went into one of his many bags and took out a purple Jack Wills hoodie.

Harry's purple Jack Wills hoodie.

Louis stole it when he was packing his stuff, he knew he was gonna need something of Harry's to help him through this breakup and he didn't think he'd be able to find anything more perfect than this hoodie.

Louis had always loved this hoodie, it always had immense meaning to him, and that's something he'd seemed to have forgotten when his attitude started to change.

This was the hoodie Harry was wearing when he asked Louis out on his first date.

It was also the hoodie Harry wore on that first date, and the first item of Harry's clothing Louis had ever worn.

Harry had taken Louis out for a picnic under the stars as they cuddled and shared their first kiss. Louis had learned Harry loved healthy food – specifically avocados, and Harry found out Louis couldn't stand them.

Harry hadn't exactly planned out what to do if Louis didn't like the food, so he felt incredibly embarrassed when he found out.

Louis tried to eat it, he really did, but he just couldn't manage to get it down and he felt so bad for wasting Harry's food.

They'd ended up going to get pizza from Domino's and ate it in the back of Harry's car as they talked about music and their interests.

Louis hadn't really had any plans back then – not knowing what he really wanted to do in life, and Harry was already the CEO of his company, so they talked a bit about that.

At the end of the night, Harry walked Louis to his doorstep and leaned in to kiss him but pulled back when Louis shivered. Harry took his hoodie off and Louis looked at him weirdly wondering what the hell he was doing. He voiced his thoughts and Harry just smiled, pulling the hoodie over Louis' head before answering.

"I want to kiss you goodnight, but you're cold," is all he said.

Louis giggled and blushed before nodding his head and wrapping his covered arms around Harry's neck and pulling him down for their first kiss.

The whole night couldn't have been more perfect.

Louis sighed, looking down at the material in his hands as he thought about his memories with Harry.

It was then that he made a decision he'd never go back on.

He was going to do everything he could to get Harry back, starting by working on himself and his attitude. He wanted the old Louis back, and so did probably a lot of people.


Here's another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. X



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