17~wake up

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I woke up to dream, still asleep, I got my phone to check the time. It was about to be the afternoon already. I was scrolling through a bit of tik tok a few videos of my fanbase and random shit in my page. I was watching a video when i got a text message from connor.


You awake?

Yeah whats up??

Wanna come to the mall with me and everyone?

Wake up dream if he wants to go to.

Okk ill be down in a bit.


I sighed trying to shake dream awake but no budge. I tried again but all I got was a groan from him and him going under the blanket.

I was gonna try again when an idea came to mind. I got up off the bed and walked into the restroom. I had brought some mini cups to put water in for when you brush your teeth, so I filled one with regular water.

I closed the door, walked back into the room and adored the nice view for a while. Until dream and interrupted that with one of his small snores. I sighed walking over to his side of the bed and pouring water all over his face. 

He got up slowly rubbing his face. "Hello?" He said slowly as I broke out laughing. He wasn't even all here and I could tell. He grabbed me by my shirt drying off his face. "W- what are you doing weirdo? This is a nice shirt!" I said, slapping him on the back of his head. 

“Oww” he said looking up at me,pouting his lips like a little kid. I walked away laughing and changing my shirt. “Hurry up and get ready if you wanna go to the mall with everyone.” 

“Why didn't you wake me up earlier?” he said, getting up and going to the restroom. I huffed to myself slipping on my shoes and walking down stars. I was soon met with everyone in the kitchen eating some food Wilbur made. I sat in an empty chair next to Nikki, who was eating some different fruit in a bowl. She kindly offered me one but i declined not feeling hungry right now.

After a while of everyone talking, dream came down. "What took you so long?" I asked him as he sat next to me. "Nothing, I just wanted to look nice." He winked. I looked down at his shirt which I noticed was mine. 

I sighed knowing I couldn't do anything about it now. "Alright, he's ready, can we go now?" Tommy whined to wilbur. "Alright let's go."

As we all got outside we had to decide who would go in whose car. There were 3 cars, Wilburs and 2 different rental cars. Tommy, tubbo, and wilbur would go in one. The second car had nikki george and dream. It was me, Connor and sapnap in the last one. 

It would take us about a long 45 minutes to get to the mall. And the reason I'm saying long is because connor and sapnap were integrating me about dream and i.

"All I'm saying is dream is my best friend and I know when somethings up." Sapnap said, turning to me and then to Connor who was in the back seat. "Yeah do seem kinda different around him Y/n, maybe like more comfortable…'' Connor said, leaning forward. 

I sighed, continuing to follow Wilbur through traffic. "Dude, just tell us what's happening between you and him." Sapnap wined, shaking me when we came to a red light. "Mate nothing is going on, it's kinda confusing to me." 

"Wait, what do you mean?" Sapnap questioned. "It's like we are best friends, and you sorta say you like them. But nothing really changes. We are still just best friends. I can't say we are dating because we haven't even talked about it."

"Oh, You have nothing to worry about though. You can tell he likes you." Sapnap reassured me. "Maybe you all should talk about it. I'm sure he wants to be with you. And it's better to lock him down before you both stay best friends and you might have to watch him fall for someone else. I know that shit hurts from personal experiences." Connor said, leaning back in his seat. 

"Connor if i was a girl i would totally date you bro for real no hoe shit with you." Sapnap said while Wilbur and the others pulled into a gas station.

Its foken unbelievable i left off with this book at 8k and coming back to 14k reads yall are amazing frr

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