
5.7K 127 77


(Y/N) otherwise known as marz/ MarzMoonz on most of his social media. Is a 20 year old, face less streamer currently living in Brighton, UK alone in an apartment that looks over at the seaside. Y/N has a cat named Boris that is 8 months old, and Y/N treats Boris like the god he is.

He averages around 13k in views, he is a variety streamer but mostly plays minecraft and bed wars. Y/N got most of his recognition when a clip of him getting swatted on stream while doing commentary about spongebob lore.

It surprisingly happened to a lot of people on that day, people say it was just a fucked up way of vsaying april fools. But that's just how it is, you really can't just track down the one person who did it.

Y/N has a few friends that he made through his two years on twitch. Some of his best friends are ConnorEatsPants, Quackity, and Technoblade. Who he all met through Minecraft Monday.

He is closer to Connor than anyone else and will sometimes stream with techno if they are both up to nothing. Him and quackity used to be really good friends, but drifted apart over the 3 years they have known each other.

~i think that's all you all need to know for now, now lets begin :)~

It was pretty late when you ended stream raiding Connor with 10k people. It was usual for you to raid him whenever he was live. Connor was scrolling through his subreddit when he got the notification that it went through.

" heyy marz thank you for the raid. Appreciate it man, we haven't talked for like a week. What are you up to?" To be honest you liked talking with Connor. He was one of the less problematic streamers who wouldn't do or say anything bad. And he was just a cool and funny guy in general.

His chat was full of the raid emot and people welcoming the raiders. You didn't want to leave him hanging with the question so you typed in chat while pulling up discord on your monitor.

~nothing cheak discord~

You heard the sound of you ringing him from his stream. As he accepted the call you yawned leaning back into your chair. Leaning a little too far, the chair started to lean back more than you hoped. Closing your eyes waiting for the fall and opening them once you hit the floor. "Damm marz what happened?" Connor said laughing about what just happened. You sighed, picking up the chair and putting the headset back on your head. "I fell Connor, what do you think?" Y/N groaned into the mic while popping his knuckles.

"Well now that you're here will you stay for the views?" Connor always joked about him wanting you being in his stream for the views. But you didn't mind, cause you knew it had just been a running bit that you two had. The bit has gone way back since minecraft monday.

"Yeah I'll stay, what do you wanna play? I bet you 50 subs I can win. I will even let you pick what game because I'm awesome." Y/N teased thinking whatever Connor would choose he would win. But oh boy was he wrong Connor chose monopoly. They were on call for 4 hours on stream play monopoly. Needless to say Y/N rage quit. Connor owned more than half the board and landed on free parking earning more than 2k dollars.

The chat was happy for Connor and his win. But Y/N was sad, hungry, and tired. It was 4am in the uk 10pm for Connor. He made the loudest sigh into the mic so it can ear-rape connor and his viewers. "Ok connor looks like you win on this one. But next time I'm going to win." Y/N sent the 50 subs Connor's way and left the call after saying bye.

Y/N flopped into his bed in the other room which he doesn't use for streaming. Turning off all his alarms that he had previously set, for some unknown reason. And muting all notifications of his phone, plugging it to charge and eventually falling asleep.

~time skip to morning~

When you woke up it was 4pm, with more than 7 missed calls from your mom. You really didn't want to call her back, but she was your mom. What could you do?

Pushing the thoughts aside you got in the shower putting your banger ass playlist, washing your hair with old spice shampoo. (because you have flavor) as you walked out of the restroom in shorts and towel in hand drying your H/C hair, your phone rang once more.

Taking it off of the charger and looking at the caller id, no surprise it was mom. Accepting the call and answering the phone.

"Yes mother? What is so important that you have to call me 10 times?"

"Awe honey, a mother can't just call her son?" She cooed from the other side of the phone.

"Ok fine that is it that you want to talk so badly about it." I said playing along with the game.

"So as you know thanksgiving is coming up, and as we do each year we throw it at different houses?" she wasted no time throwing it out like it was a hot fire.

I knew what she was going to say. The past years we did it was always just my aunt, my sister, and my mom. The rotation went around twice already, and I haven't done it.

"Yes mom, I'll do it." i said blankly. "Oh- wow. And I didnt even have to start begging. What a nice grown man you are." she cooed then hung up immediately. I was fine with having thanksgiving at my house. But there was one problem.

My cousin. I only have one cousin. And he was the worst one. Loud, whine, and just a bit too nosey.



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