12~ Omegle

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-Song recommendation-
Things change (by Worst Party Ever)

"Omegle." Karl said, laughing at his own idea. "Sounds good. Y/N and dream you both down?" He asked "oh shoot guys i forgot y'all haven't shown your faces yet." 

"I dont mind showing you all my face but this would probably be a one time thing." Dream said laughing a bit at the end. 

I'll get to see him again' I thought to myself. "But… only if Y/N does it too." Dream said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I- dream." A part of me wants to do it. But the other part is scared of what he will think of me. "Sorry Y/N i know it's not my place to ask you that." Dream said, lowering his voice a bit.

I sighed thinking about my options. "It's fine dream. I don't mind, but you have to go before me." I said looking at Karl's screen because he was already screen sharing.

"So I'm thinking we will go on the minecraft tags to meet some fans." Karl said, wiggling in his chair excitedly. "yeah that's cool I can go after you, then dream, then Y/N." Connor said. It sounded like a good idea to me. But me and dream just can't be on the minecraft part. The fans would know us by our voices. 

The first girl we got was cosplaying as karl, he loved it as expected. And as soon as he told her that she started crying. it took a bit until she calmed down and we skipped her.  A few more people passed until connor went on.

In the beginning, the first person he got skipped him because they were looking for karl. After a few more people had skipped him, we came across a group of girls. As soon as the main girl was going to skip, another girl hit her. "tristan are you fucking stupid? Do you know who that is." she said yelling at her sister.

Connor laughed at the girl's reaction, "it's good to see I have at least one fan in here." "trust me I have been a fan of yours for years, I even have your merch!" she said walking off the screen then coming back with a connor hoodie. "Good to know what's your twitch username so I can mod you, if you'd like." he said, pulling up twitch in a different tab. We could all see what he was doing because he was still screen sharing. 

"Connor asked her if she knew about me. I wanna see if I could mod her too." I said pulling up my twitch tab too. "My name's searha on twitch I stream ocasinaly." She said as her little sister got annoyed and walked off screen. "Ok but do you know Y/N?" he asked for me. "yeah I have some of his merch too, hold on while I get it." she ran off screen again looking around for it.

I was surprised she has my merch. I only made merch one time 3 years ago. "ok look! I found you off if Y/N when I first got this!" she was definitely a little too excited. she was like a kid in a candy store but she looked around 21, connor age. "ok well you got a mod in mine and Y/N's chat." he said as we both modded her. "no way both if your chats this is so cool!'' Connor and her started talking, or flirting to me, a bit more until it was dreams turn to go on.

My stomach feels so weird. Like I could die any second. I watched his screen intently as it was loading, watching as the dumb cercal goes round and round over and over again. It was like an eternity just waiting for it to load in, so I could see his deep green eyes again. 

After a second of loading I could see his full face. Every single perfect imperfection. And to me he has no imperfections. He's just perfect.  

"Damm dream you're kinda cute." Karl said laughing, breaking the silence. "Yeah you are." Connor added on. I still hadn't said anything. I couldn't. My head couldn't keep up with my heart. I could tell him, he was cute like Karl, but in all honesty I was scared. 

"Hey Y/N you still there" dream asked, messing with his headset and hair. "Yeah sorry I went to get a water bottle." I said trying to sound as normal as possible. He laughed a small wheeze "oh ok well should i get started?" 

"Yeah but go on different tags maybe like tik tok. I know you're more likely to get people in there too." Karl explained as dream put in the tag. The first person he got was some guy listening to music asking about dreams day. 

The next people we got were a group of girls with led lights and tapestries. One of them was hitting a bong behind another one of the girls. One of the girls started laughing, calling dream cute. It didn't really get me mad, bec they were most likely high. But it did get me enough to clench my jaw.

The next person we got was a guy with the camera mostly covered up. That was until he moved and flashed everyone in the vc. Dream skipped the guy and started wheezing. It was nice to match the voice with the face. It was much more normal, like i've known him forever.

The next girl we got was stunning, beautiful even. I hated it. I saw the way she was looking at dream. The way he was looking at her. "Hey, you're kinda cute. What's your name? '' she said, not taking her eyes off of him. 

"I'm clay. What's your name?" He seemed interested, it hurt. I don't even know why I'm feeling like this. 

"Im Ashley you can call me Ash." She winked. "So Ash how are you?" Dream asked getting comfortable in his chair. "Im good actually, i just moved out from my old apartment." She said as her cat poped up onto screen. "Cool where do you live if you dont mind me asking?" Dream said trying to be polite about it.

"I live in Florida i just moved here too." She laughed.

I hate this. I hate this so much. Watching her talk to dream and get along so well. I know i should be happy for him but i cant. He makes me happy, and now its like we arnt even in call with him. I was broke out of my thoughts by him talking once more. " Wow i live in Florida too. Maybe we can hang out. And maybe i can get your number?" 

Thats it i have had enough. "I have to go guys. I'll text you later."  I said rushing to get out of the call. "Bye-" was the last thing i heard from Karl. 

Of all people dream had to find someone. I was fine with connor so why dream. Deep down i knew the answer. I just didn't want to accept it.

Im going to be putting a song recomendagion in the beginning of every chapter from now on. Just so yall could know what i am thinking and or feeling/listening too

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