~8~ sleep over?

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Once we all got back home Tommy and Tubbo were sitting on the couch, bickering over what to watch. Tommy wanted to  hamilton, tubbo wanted to binge south park, and george couldn't decide between both. "What about we watch Hamilton then we can watch south park until yall get tired or fall asleep." I said, trying to stop the fighting. "Geroge do you have a recommendation or just anything you want to watch?" I asked, trying not to leave him out or anything. "No, I'm fine with whatever." He stated.

"Alright. Well I am going to stream for a bit. I was supposed to yesterday, and i didnt so i will be back in like 2 hours. Just in time for south park." I stated, looking at Tommy as he was looking at me with wide eyes. "So you're not going to watch Hamilton with us?" He cried back. "No Tommy, I have seen it 3 times."I said blatantly. "Fine, go have fun with your little stream." He scolded me. "I- uh can i go with you?" George said a bit too shy for me to even think about it. 

"What George you too? You know what gogy i don't care. Me and tubbo are going to have way more fun right tubbo." He exclaimed, putting an arm around tubbos neck trying to play it off as a hug. "Sure come on george. And bring that chair unless you want to sit on the couch in there. "Yeah sure." He said dragging the chair along playing it next to mine.

"So how do you wanna do this? Do you want the people to know we are together? Or you want to keep it a secret." I spoke. "I don't mind. What ever you choose." He mumbled picking up Boris and petting him. " i don't mind, we probably can't face cam but we can tell them. But we can do something." I pointed out. " mhm yeah im down for anything."  He spoke quite fast. "Ohh what about i put the couch next to the computer you can facecam, and i will sit here talking." "Yeah yeah that's cool." 

I sighed, getting up and pushing the couch, turning on the computer. "What do you want the title to be?" He asked, looking at me as I pulled out my phone. "Uhh what about, just chilling with face cam. But put a winky face not the emoji though." As soon as i said that he started typing and i set up my phone for the face cam. I talked him throughout the layout of my computer as he changed some stuff because he's left-handed. 

"Ok you can start whenever you're ready while I get my laptop. Do you want anything from the kitchen?" I asked not really wanting to be pushy. "Uhh yeah a water bottle please and i probably will start right now." He said fixing the chat setting on twitch. As I walked out of the room I saw Tommy and tubbo 'the conjuring' instead, probably Tommy trying to scare tubbo. " Well well well look who cares to join us." Tommy said with a smug look. "Tommy, I'm not going to watch it with you, I'm still going to stream." I said grabbing my laptop and 2 water bottles. "Fine bitch boy." He muttered loud enough so I could hear. " Oh and Tommy friendly reminder,  I am streaming if that means anything." I said walking into the room.

"Oh chat here is the man that owns this twitch account" he said looking at me. I put my hand in the frame and waved. I opened the laptop, pulling up chat and Twitter. "Chat why don't you ask us questions on twitter and in chat. Under hashtag george you choose." I said putting him on the spot. "I uh what about hashtag G and (first letter of your name) yeah that. go go go."

I looked at chat to see it going by a lot faster than usual, then looking at the view count to see 65k people watching. And that's a lot more people watching than usual, a little too much for my comfort. "So chat I see we have a few faces, hi whats up?" Nonetheless, chat was nice, my older chatters welcoming the newer ones. 

After a while of answering questions one caught my eye in particular. 'Are you two roommates' I laughed while telling them we live in the same apartment. After a while I got the idea of playing a game. I asked the chat what game and most of them said minecraft. But i saw someone with the bright idea of fireboy and watergirl. But before i could actually say something to George, Tommy and Tubbo came into the room screaming. "Tommy what the fuck." I said not really mad, just surprised. 

"Y/N, george that movie is scary, don't watch it for the love of god. It is demonic." He stuttered then straightened up to see he was in the frame the whole time. "I- you have a face cam on." He stated trying to brush off whatever that was earlier. "Yes tommy i have a face cam on i tried to hint it earlier." I commented at his dumb remark.

Tommy and tubbo stayed a while talking with us. before saying they were bored and wanted to watch south park per tubbos request. After an hour or 2 of playing games we ended the stream to watch tv with the boys to find them asleep on the couch. I sighed through my nose looking over at George "you do just want to watch something with me on the computer?" I asked without thinking much of it. "Yeah." 

I moved the couch to right in front of the computer so we won't be in uncomfortable chairs. "Do you want to watch Spider Man?" I asked pulling up Netflix and looking at him while he was petting boris. "Yeah that's fine." He said while petting Boris asleep on his lap.  

After a while of watching the movie it came to an end. I noticed George looking at me though, it was a bit unusual. After a while of silence I confronted him. "Why are you looking at me so much?" But I was met with more silence, and a VERY VERY unexpected kiss on the lips. It was too unexpected for my liking so I got up looking at George. 

"What the fuck was that? George, why did you do that?" I snapped. I don't like him. I don't even know him well. "I- uh i needed to check something." He stated looking down at Boris who was now awake. "You needed to check something by using me?" I asked, still mad at the fact he would do that. 

"George, just if you," I sighed, still comprehending everything, "we will talk about it in the morning. Just leave for now." I groaned into my hand knowing it's too late for this. "Yeah, im sorry Y/N." He said getting up. "It's fine, we will talk about it tomorrow." I replied.

On his way out i got the notification dream had texted me. 'i will answer it tommorow' i thought while covering up tommy and tubbo with 2 different blankets.

This is still a dream x reader. I just needed a bit of spice if you know what i mean ;);)
Also sorry if it took me a while i was watching all the marvel moives in chronological order

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