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Grace is at the heart of every tragedy. And when there is no height from which to fall, no pride in the life you have lived, you have nothing to lose. But once in the free fall of ungrace, you can only reverse its momentum by using it to your own advantage.

The initial, normally strong knocking gradually turned into a knocking that was not difficult to ignore.

"At first I thought I was too biased because I don't believe in such things as coincidences, but I've learned too much in the last decade. If something seems absurd or 'too' unusual, then it usually is. "There was too much that didn't add up and no matter how hard Norvina tried, it wouldn't work. "This whole situation with this strange meeting to get Nereus on your side, which is interrupted by an 'accidental' attack, just at the right time, because he refused and only because of that, is now on your side after all, is very.... no, I formulate it a little differently. At first glance, it does not seem to have gone well, but if you look closer, it could not have gone better for you. Don't you think it went a little too smoothly? It's a well-planned play. The first act consists of explaining the situation, followed by the second act where it's all about creating tension to keep the crowd engaged and lastly, the third act where it's all about everything going well wi..."

"Really Norvina? You are well aware that not only Nereus could have died, but also the Guard, Vulko, you or I?" but Norvina looked at Orm with raised eyebrows and an amused look because he didn't actually believe she was buying this bullshit, "Is that the only reason you're here, at this late hour? You know your accusations are baseless."

"It may be that there is no evidence for my assumption, but sometimes, it is quite enough to face the person and confront him with the accusations," with these words Norvina countered Orm's satisfied smile, she put her index finger under his chin, her thumb on it and lifted it a little, "This world is populated by billions of beings. You are trying with all your might to ignore what your father taught you, or at least tried to. Start in Atlantis first. Be a king for your people and then, only then, the rest of the world has to interest you. Not before."

"Spoke the woman who didn't want to be a queen and now wants to tell me how to rule," a smirk appeared on Orm's lips after a few quiet seconds where he took her hand from his face and then kissed her fingers, "Not today, not tomorrow dearest Norvina but one day, you will understand, I assure you."

"Been a long time since I heard those words. Must have been a pretty smart person who said it," whether these words once said by Norvina to Orm were true here was to be doubted, "I hope the person keeps it right. Not to be imagined if it is not so."

The future would show who was now right, but one thing was not to be forgotten. History will repeat itself.

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