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From birth, we feel the need to connect with others. We long for understanding. For love. For security. In a perfect connection, we find the strength we don't find in ourselves. But how strong the bond really is, we don't know. Until it is tested.

Evening had long since fallen as Norvina packed up her things for tomorrow's departure. If it had been up to her, she would have been on her way home long ago, not spending a night in the castle. However, a good friend advised her to wait until morning and not to travel after today, which was far too long. Therefore, in order to tear off early, she packed rather in the night and not after getting up, but a knock made her suspect evil.

"What a surprise," Norvina sneered at the sight of Orm, who silently asked her to let him in, "I don't need to ask if you've forgotten anything. What do you think it is? Oh, have you forgotten to pronounce my banishment from Atlantis?"

"Norvina," Orm said conciliatorily, closing the door behind him and looking not directly at her but at the wall behind her, "Is there any chance you'll hear me out?"

"Thank Vulko first. After all, he's the reason I'm still in......," Norvina didn't get any further than that, however, as Orm put both hands on her face and began kissing her, "....."

"From the future queen I also expect that she does not disappear directly at every little argument," it was good to know, if it had not been Orm himself, who earlier still said to Norvina, so should rather go, because she possessed no idea after all, "How long will you deny it? You can say no, but at the latest at my coronation, I will ask you again."

"I am neither queen nor ruler," and even if that were the case, the interest was not there and there Norvina was sure it would never come, "My strengths lie elsewhere."

"You're going to be my wife, by that you should get comfortable with the idea of becoming queen. You can't have one without the other," half listening is exactly the same as not listening at all but Orm pulled Novina close and stroked her hair back, "You know the people, the kingdoms, so what's stopping you from saying yes?"

"You," Norvina replied almost sadly, causing Orm to look at her in surprise and without any understanding because he obviously didn't know what she meant, "Didn't you realize? What am I supposed to say yes to? Do I want to be queen? I don't. You presuppose that I will say yes, but you don't ask the real question that should be at issue. Accordingly, to what should I give you an answer?"

"Whether you want to be my wife?" to which Norvina narrowed her eyes and then looked at Orm as if he had asked her a favor, where she did not know whether to fulfill it or not, "mistress or lover would not be yours. I want to know you by my side and this, I have been aware of for years."

In its purest form, the covenant between two people becomes part of our being. However, when this covenant is broken, our being changes forever.

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