Chapter 19

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"How are you feeling, Naruto?"

Like I wish I was dead.

"Are you still having nightmares?"

Yes. It's like everything is happening all over again. Over and over.

"Are you having any suicidal thoughts?"

Every minute of every damn day.

Naruto turned to the brunette next to him, as he had enough questions. It was the same thing over and over for the last week.

"How many times do I have to answer these stupid questions? I keep telling you people that I'm fine." Naruto frowned as he studied the look on the brunettes face. Tracing the scar that ran across the bridge of the man's nose with his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh. He wanted to leave. Sasuke had already been released a few days ago, and yet Naruto was still stuck in the same boring ass hospital room.

"You can go-" Iruka started. Naruto leaped from the bed with a bright smile daring to break through. Iruka placed his hand up, indicating the blond to sit back down.

"When I feel as though you are mentally stable enough"  Naruto's smile faded as he flopped back onto the bed. He stared at the same drab white ceiling that he had been looking at for days now. Naruto was starting to think he was going crazy, being cooped up in that one room. At least in the psych ward, he would be allowed to wander around.

Ever since he woke up screaming that one night from a nightmare, Iruka had made a daily presence to the blond's room.

"Do you have somewhere you can go, where you feel safe?"

"I can go to my apartment. Since... he.. was arrested"
That place will never be safe.

"You still can't say his name?"

That name... I want to puke.

Iruka sighed as he placed his note pad to his side, staring at the blond who was sprawled out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Naruto always did this when he was done with whatever they were talking about.

"You are making progress.. but I don't think anyone is comfortable enough to have you leave here alone. You still haven't talked about what happened. You haven't processed-"

"What is there to say, Iruka? Just take a look at me and you can piece together what fucking happened." Naruto snapped as he laid an arm over his eyes. He was starting to get a headache. "Why can't I leave? There is nothing wrong with me."

"You have every right to leave. But you know Sasuke will have something to say if you do." Iruka leaned back in the chair, crossing his right leg over his left. This was a pose he typically sat in when he felt the blond was being argumentative. He was trying to show Naruto that he wasn't backing down, Sasuke just happened to be the trump card usually.

Naruto grumbled something under his breath before he sat back up, looking at the brunette with pleading blue eyes.

"Can't you just tell him that I'm fine? I'm losing my mind from being in here still! Most of my wounds have healed, I was cleared of a concussion, everything is back to normal. I. Want. To. Go. Home." Naruto was full on pouting now.

"You know as well as I do, that I was asked to come here by him and Kakashi. They are worried about you, Naruto. You went through something very traumatic and they are worried you are just pretending it didn't happen"

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